Tuesday, September 6, 2011


"There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love" - Bryant H McGill

There cannot be one without the other. I believe this to be true. I have been in that place many times. I have to forgive from the heart, not only in words. If I do not forgive my throat feels constricted and I begin to have thyroid imbalance. The reason for this is because the throat chakra is all about letting go of anger and resentment, and learning to forgive. Letting go is not an easy concept. I sometimes fall back into the anger and resentment. For example this weekend I was preoccupied with a family situation, I let an old resentment rear its ugly face once again. I let people, places, old situations and things from past summers overcome me. Why? The answer is because I am human. I am not perfect. When that happens I hear no one talking to me including Rick. I become unbearable --yes I do. I must be alone, sit with my feelings, feel the pain and meditate. It eases itself. I apologize for my behavior and move forward. You are NOT alone...

For you women - have you ever felt as if you had a urinary tract infection, but when your urine was tested - it was negative. This is called Interstitial Cystitis (IC). This is the constant urge to urinate unrelieved by voiding. It can be associated with a burning sensation or a spastic sensation in the pelvis. It can be associated with burning urine. I see this condition more often than the urologist or the gynecologist. There are some natural ways to relive this condition without surgery or medicine.

I do know that caffeinated products, artificial sweeteners and acid foods aggravate the situation, but DO NOT cause IC. The urine is often negative for bacteria. I do some different laboratory testing of serum blood inflammatory markers such as CRP (c - reactive protein), IL-6 (interleukin 6), and methylhistamine. Not every lab does the methylhistamine test but ask your doctor. Some doctors especially urologists do a stretching of the bladder. It does provide some relief but not always.

I do see many women and some men get relief by changing their dietary habits. I feel IC is associated with food allergies and digestive symptoms as bloating, gas and change in bowel habits.

There are two culinary herbs that I have seen produce good results. One is Apium graveolans
(celery) and the other is Petroselinum (parsley). This word means 'celery of the rocks'. There are many herbs in the materia medica for IC, but for today I want to discuss the benefits of celery and parsley. Next time you are out to dinner think twice before leaving the parsley garnish on your plate . One of the compounds found in parsley is a basic ingredient in the pharmaceutical drugs to treat urinary tract infections. There is a Middle Eastern food called tabbouleh that contains parsley and another favorite culinary herb, garlic. You must remember that parsley contains flavinoids, cumarines and Vitamin C which makes it an excellent anti oxidant. Keep in mind that high amounts of parsley can be toxic (like so many other useful herbs or supplements!).

One of the oldest recorded vegetables in history is celery. It also belongs to the plant family Apiaceae (as does parsley). If you like history and herbs, I find it interesting that Ancient Greeks and even Romans crowned their athletes with celery leaves and stems. I do not think we use celery enough in this country.

I love to munch on celery. It has many benefits. Celery contains the recommended trace minerals and calcium, iron and phosphorous. It is not for everyone especially those with kidney disorders. It is rich in the b vitamins thiamine and riboflavin. One hundred grams of celery delivers 6.3 grams of protein and only 2.1 grams of carbohydrate. I think a great snack at 11 am or 4pm is celery with almond butter on the inside. Make them the night before and use as a protein snack.

Celery does contain a natural sedative called phthalide. I have seen many patients drink celery juice to reduce hypertension (high blood pressure). I would consult your health care practitioner before doing this. I would blend in some hibiscus leaves with the celery for better BP control. I like to think of celery as a cooling or sedative diuretic. I love celery for inflammation especially arthritis. In cases of extreme toxicity I have seen celery seeds work. Like other salts it penetrates into calcified or hard deposits, breaks them up brings the material back into the bloodstream to be excreted by the kidney. Thus increasing blood flow through the joints and cartilage. According to Matthew Wood celery is cooling, cleansing and an antiseptic in addition to its diuretic effect. The only concern I have is combining large amounts of celery with conventional blood thinners, as celery already has a blood thinning property.

I did not find either of these culinary herbs in James Duke's Medicinal Plants of the Bible. I found this to be odd, for I was sure both would be mentioned. Yet both are mentioned in Matthew's Wood's Old World Medicinal Plants. Both celery and parsley are considered two of the five ancient or traditional Greek/Arabic 'opening roots'. Celery removes obstruction of lymph, blood urine and stool, plus many females use it for menstrual problems. Another one of these opening roots is the plant fennel. Fennel is again in the same family considered a salty plant. I now understand why my Nanny and Poppy (my grandparents) ate fennel in between meals.

Until tomorrow...

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