Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"The better part of one's life consists of friendships" Abraham Lincoln

For some of us, our family is our friends. Yes we all have family, but as years go on--it dwindles.

Also who is to say that our families or our children are always there? Children grow up, children change.

There are true friendships that last forever and then there are those that dwindle. Possibly these friendships that dwindle are best described as acquaintances. For me my true friendships are part of my extended family. I am a grateful man.

Be grateful for what you have.

Did you know that depression can be a normal response for those dealing with a chronic illness? I have many patients who are depressed and dealing with a chronic illness like Hepatitis C or diabetes. If you know anyone with depression and Hepatitis C, I can tell you that the treatment might be a cause of the depression. Depression is a common side effect for those receiving the newer Hepatitis C drugs.

Feeling down or sad can be a natural reaction to an event in your life. I am still mourning the loss of dear Fire Island friend whom I have known for more than twenty years. Intense feelings might be short lived, but the memory lasts forever. If feelings of loss last longer, or something 'blue' in your life persists-- then you should seek medical attention for it could be something more serious.

You should know that Depression is an Illness. It is no different that heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and even alcohol addiction. Depression is a real disease. The feelings of emptiness, sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness about the future are important symptoms of the disease. Is there anger or resentment? Do you forgive easily or not at all? Are there feelings of guilt and worthlessness? All of these can be considered clinical depression according to psychiatrists. I think while it is fine for internists to write prescriptions, some individuals may need psychiatrists and psychologists.

There are many things to do about depression. There are conventional medicines and there are herbal medications. You must understand most psychiatric illnesses get much better with conventional therapies.

Ten suggestions:

1. get more sleep

2. talk to your health care provider

3. find a support network

4. go for a walk or do some exercise

5. get outside

6. focus on the positive

7. don' t take on too much

8. avoid alcohol and try to decrease caffeine

9. eat well and drink plenty of fluids

10 find a hobby that you will enjoy

Until tomorrow...

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