Wednesday, September 7, 2011


"Life is an adventure in forgiveness." - Norman Cousins

When my friend Karen sent me this quote, I sat at my desk both motionless and speechless. It is so true. Life is an adventure by itself simply stated but the added 'in forgiveness' now makes that adventure more real. Do you forgive? Do you pray for individuals who have harmed you?

I used to forgive with spoken words, but not from the heart. I also wasn't forgiving soberly. To forgive is to live! This is my motto. Forgiveness allows me to move to the highest plane. This highest plane is SELF LOVE. In order to love another human being you must love yourself. Do you love yourself? If it takes more than 30 seconds-- no 5 seconds to answer this question then work needs to be done.

Do we really need another article about a diet? The cover of the September 12, 2011 issue of TIME magazine features, "What to Eat Now-- Uncovering the myths about Food by Dr. Oz." If an article by Mehmet Oz, MD is what it takes to get America to start eating better then I agree it should be written. I would have done away with the title on page 48 - The Oz Diet. We do not need another named diet- after years working with the late infamous Robert Atkins, we do NOT need another name. We have South Beach, Suzanne Somers, Protein Power, Ornish, Sears, and even the Maker's Diet. We also have the other fad diets such as the cabbage soup and grapefruit diets. Mehmet has the distinction of seeing plaque first hand during his years as a cardiac surgeon.

As a whole the article is good. I have been trying to teach NOT preach about the foods discussed. I have never agreed that whole eggs are bad for you despite a high cholesterol. It all depends on how many you consume and if you have bread or potatoes with the whole eggs. The book, The Cholesterol Myth debunks the myth that eggs are bad.

Bob Atkins and I disagreed on the amount of fat and meat, but he certainly had the right idea when he said to limit the carbohydrates. Many of the 'diets' that are branded today and have numerous books all agree that simple carbohydrates and sugar are unhealthy. I have never read an article or book that states white sugar is good for you. I still see patients who religiously and righteously follow the Atkins diet and have sustained their weight loss. I know I couldn't eat the amount of meat that I see people consume. There are better sources of protein. The Atkins diet survived years of debate since its 1970's craze and then revitalized in 2002 by a TIME article validating some of his work. I was surprised that I didn't see the new French Dekune diet mentioned. Maybe I read the article too fast.

Food should not be about a diet at all- it is all about a lifestyle. Preventing disease is about education, talking to the patient and practicing a dietary and exercise lifestyle. This is difficult to do in these new health care reforms. The article states that whole milk, eggs, chocolate and coffee and vindicated. I can agree with all except the whole milk. More than 85% of Americans have a dairy allergy. Dairy should be curtailed and individualized to the patient. I would rather see organic raw dairy be used in more cases cautiously. Also, both chocolate and coffee are derived from plants. It all comes back to the plants.

It is confusing and Dr Oz explains it simply and briefly. Instead of the photograph of blueberries on the scale I would have put all the purple berries of the scale including camu berries, acai and blackberries. Let's get real...people have addictions to many things. One of those addictions is to simple carbohydrates and sugar. The media does not help, nor does the economy. It costs extra money to eat better. Some individuals want it fast and cheap.

Until tomorrow...

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