Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Mark Twain
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain
William Faulkner
“The best fiction is far more true than any journalism.”
― William Faulkner

In the five years I have chosen not to read the newspaper on a daily basis. I do not read The Daily News, The Wall Street Journal or Newsday. I do read the New York Times on selective days. I read it on Tuesday for the Science Times, Friday for the weekend events in New York City and Sunday for the Arts and Leisure section as well as Book Reviews. I do not want to read about politics, wars, and murders. I enjoy the Science Section as a true biologist and botanist. Yesterday, honeybees made the paper again in an article titled , " As Swarms Startle New York, Officer on Bee Beat Stays Busy." It was great to read that there are multiple bee swarms within the New York City metropolitan area. This means that there are more NYC beekeepers than are registered. This means individuals are taking beekeeping seriously. There were 3 reported honeybee swarms within one week.
In addition there were articles on topics that I blog about on a readily basis. There was an Observatory article on the carnivorous plant, the Pitcher Plant. There was a claim about the herb, Ginseng relieving fatigue. The quip discussed a randomized double blind trial on 290 cancer patients with promising results.
An article , Personal Best on the benefits of exercise, as well as fatigue as a symptom for patients who take the statin class of drugs which are used to lower cholesterol. The most amazing article was that HIV patients on retro viral therapy are getting heart attacks at younger ages.
So in this case, reading the Science Times on Tuesdays can inform and reinforce the benefits of herbs, the importance of bees, and new discoveries on old topics.

The bright colored round orange fruit that grows in the Rain forest has the highest concentration  of  Vitamin C according to some recent studies. This fruit is called the Kamu. Compared to when I grew up , the orange was the fruit that moms pushed at the breakfast table. Oranges  provided 500 to 4,000 parts per million Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. The Kamu provides 21,000 to 500,000 parts per million ascorbic acid. So do you want an Orange or a kamu for your next breakfast ? The kamu provides 30 times more ascorbic acid, 3 times more niacin, twice as much as riboflavin and 50% more phosphorous.

For the local communities, Kamu or camu camu is highly profitable as the Westerners want it. Ethobotanists feel that it is more worth more than cutting the forest and raising cattle, Now there is a good change for once in the environment.
The fruits mature at the high water or flooding seasons in the Amazon. many a local use canoe to wild harvest there fruits along the banks of the rivers. How clever ! In Peri, ice cream and other drinks are made from the camu (Kamu) fruit )
Try the Camu . Start with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, and if you have a cold increase to 1 teaspoon twice a day.
I can guarantee your cold will be much better in hours !

Until tomorrow...

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