Tuesday, June 5, 2012


"The wisdom and intelligence imbibed in every individual expresses itself into an endless pattern of diversity."

Every person is an individual. Each individual is unique, but eighteen years ago I found out that my life in the realms of addiction was no unique. I was the same as another addict. I had to admit I was powerless and that my life had become unmanageable. I did just that. With the help of a twelve step program I began to realize that my life was not unique. I was not the first medical doctor that had an addiction, also known as an energy thief. I was not alone. As a grew with the steps, meditation and prayer became part of my daily life. I began to express myself. I began to feel like the 10 year old child who was happy, yet frightened. I began to accept who I was. I am what I am. This was an endless pattern of diversity.

Herbs are sometimes learned when passed down from generation. Remember did your mother or grandmother use herbs for healing or in the kitchen ? I remember. Like digitalis ( from the Foxglove), Convallaria majalis ( Lily of the Valley) is a tonic to the heart in small doses. The larger doses can increase the heart action. I am familiar with this cardiac tonic. I still to this day take two drops per day. I had a congenital heart disease and was operated on 8 years ago.
I use Lily of the Valley in my practice with other herbs ( as Motherwort, Scotch Broom, Night Blooming Cactus and of course Hawthorn)   for mild cardiac insufficiency, heart failure ( although I use Arjuna Bark  for heart failure), and atrial arrhythmias.

Atrial fibrillation in the most common rhythm in an internal medicine office practice as well as a cardiology practice. Conventional medications does offer some solutions. As a cardiologist I am aware that every anti-arrhythmic drug has the potential of causing an arrhythmia .I also am able as a MD RH to use both herbs and medications. I can observe the interactions.

This was my mother's favorite flower. It grew quickly in her garden in front of the Virgin Mary statue behind the fence at the bottom of the driveway. It was almost weed-like. From Christian legends the white flower is also known as Our Lady's tears or Mary's tears. It sprang from, the weeping of the Virgin Mary during the  the crucifixion of Jesus. There are other stories about its name--that it was Eve's tears as she and Adam were driven from the Garden of Eden. It is a symbol of humility in religious paintings. Lily of the valley is considered the sign of Christ's second coming. It also is sometimes called May bells, or May Flower. 'Majalis' means belonging to May. This is when the flowers blooms - April and May

Until tomorrow...

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