Saturday, June 9, 2012


" Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance."

The 3 A's summarize this up: Awareness, Acknowledgment and Acceptance. You must have acceptance. There is no meaning to awareness and acknowledgment without acceptance. I have no expectations of anyone . This includes my husband, my children and family/friends. I do not want to get disappointed. We all have been disappointed at different tines i our lives., Why should we? Isn't life hard enough these days. I rather be surprised  WITHOUT expectations, and have some surprises left in my life.

I wanted to be accepted my whole life. I am glad I do not have to be at this age and pint in my life. I wanted to be accepted into the 'cool' group in high school instead of the 'nerd or smart'; group. Last year I was initiated into the Temple of the Green Clovers by Rosemary Gladstar and this year by Cascade Geller. I was thrilled to sit and tell stories of herbs in my life with strangers. I felt exhilarated and had a 'chill-fuzzy' feeling,

In the last 5 years I wanted to accepted into a small gay community in Cherry Grove Fire Island. Prior to that in The Pines in Fire Island. I really thought or expected that if I was active and part of I would be or rather Rick and I would be in the last five years. It was a disappointment in our fundraising medical efforts, not in the dollars but in the old staunch nothing change attitude in ol' and I mean ol' Cherry Grove Community. No one even wants to recycle. What are people thinking ? Earth Mother can do no more. This planet is in trouble. It goes the same with beekeeping. What are people thinking ? Without bees there will no crops and food to eat. Yet people cannot accept a honeybee hive.

How serene I feel today. Tonight Rick and I ( more Rick than I as he does all the cooking, planning and setting up) to meet our daughter's future in-laws. I have no expectations. I am What I am and Rick is what he is. It dies feel ' Birdcage' or 'La Cage' but we are confident and have no expectations.

The word antiseptic is derived from the Greeks. It means against 'sepsis or putrefaction.' I love the second word It feels so medical. It is usually used in combination with topical substances used on living tissue that work against bacteria.
There are many bacteria in the world. As a doctor I buy into the germ theory first theorized by Louis Pasteur. You may remember that the novels of Charles Dickens depict the era of poor housing, and sanitation in Oliver Twist and other novels.
As physicians we use too many antibiotics in this world. We are creating strains that are resistant to most antibiotics. We have methicilin resistant staphylococcus aureus called MRSA. We have other resistant strains. We need to closely examine what we are doing as physicians. In ancient times there were no antibiotics and plants were used as medicines. This is known in Ancient Greek and Egyptian times. Prior to Alexander Fleming's penicillin, the most common antibiotic was colloidal silver.
Lets go back further with the use of plants. A yellow alkaloid found in many plants is a useful antiseptic and antibiotic. This is called Berberine. I believe and know that berberine can help MRSA in nursing homes and hospitals.
Some of the plants that have this berberine compound include Goldenseal, Oregon grape root, and Barberry.
I use all three above for the streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
Dr Cindy L. Jones wrote a great book I recommend for most individuals to read called The Antibiotic Alternative. The other book I recommend to read is the Herbal Antibiotic by Stephen Buhner. Both are fascinating to me

Let's get real America and start using plants. Plants will save Earth Mother !

Photo Credit: Patrick F - Black Mountains, Echinaecea with Butterfly, Ceremony- at Temple of Green Clovers
Until tomorrow...

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