Sunday, December 12, 2010


"The key to happiness is to learn and let go" -Buddha

This can be said in many ways. What is happiness for you? Is it the first morning rain of the season on a spring day or is it or is it going after your desires first and then being happy ? Happiness for everyone is different. Will your happiness be determined once you have recognized your desires. Once you recognize your desire you must not talk yourself out of it. How many times have you talked yourself out of something ? I know I have done this many times. No one is meant to have a miserable existence. This could include the type of work you do or even the relationship you are involved in. I finally found what I excel in ! For me it is the healing of people. Life then became amazing. The added combination of a healthy,loving committed partnership just added to the 'amazing' You have to start somewhere. The dream can happen--first learn and let go. You can start by making a list of the pro and cons as it has been written. Perhaps as Aleta St James states, these are positive or negative desires. You decide what will work for you. These are suggestions. Remember the Plan that has been made for us is not one of deprivation or a miserable existence. It is one of fullness, joy and abundance. You have to do only one step, literally. JUST WALK INTO IT.

Inflammation is the root of all problems. To relieve the inflammation of the bladder or IC using botanicals can be the answer. I also use a product called D-mannose whether in powder or capsule form. For total body inflammation othetr than the bladder I love to use bioflavinoids, as quercetin. There has been extensive research on bioflavinoids for many diseases including bladder cystitis. Quercetin enhances the absorbtion of Vitamin C so I usually use them together. Some companies even combine the two together in a single product. Bromelain enhances the absorption of quercetin. Dr Atkins introcduced me to the use of bromelin years ago. He used bromelain as a 'natural bloof thinner." Bromelain has systemic anti-inflammatory effects. Do not forget, Bromelain is a plant enzyme complex. As I always say, it always comes back to Mother Earth and her plants.

The botanical, Glycyrrhiza species ( Licorice )exerts its activity as an anti-inflammatory for the bladder cystitis. There are many species of licorice. I have discussed licorice in its deglycerized form for the use of peptic ulcers and the gastrointestinal tract. Licorice also acts an as anti-oxidant and has immune modulating effects. I have also found that the combination of licorice and echinacea makes a wonderful anti inflammatory for the bladder. One herb that I seen other herbalists use is Sweetclover ( Melilotus officinalis ). I have never used this herb. The learning process for me is to write about the herb to become familiar with the herb, and then use it. This is the learning and letting go of botanicals. Sounds familiar ! Letting go of the fear.
My Poppy (grandfather) used to add sweet clover to his gravy. As a Sicilian Italian we call it gravy. For others you might refer to it as tomato sauce. Clovers have leaves in sets of three, and compact flower heads that consist of many tiny, pea-like, bilaterally symmetrical (2-sided) flowers. Some species have flowers that make excellent tea,( I have tasted the white clover) and a few have edible flowers. He always avoided the bitter flowers that are turning brown, and choose those with the brightest color, which are tastiest. When researching an herb you must find out what phytochemicals the plant or herb contains. I find this important if you are taking it with another herb and/or conventional medication. Sweet clover contains following phytochemicals: Melilotin, Caffeic Acid, Monoterpenes, Flavonoids, Coumarin, and Ferulic acid
The medicinal use for Sweet clover are as an emollient, anti-oedemic, venotonic and carminative properties. Sweet clover is used to treat venous insufficiency, elephantiasis, hemorrhoids and digestive disorders. It increases the blood flow in the veins. Sweet clover is also used to treat minor sleeping problems. Since I have never used sweet clover I feel the other sleeping agents as Passion Flower, Chamomile and Kava Kava are more beneficial. The ointments made from sweet clover are used to treat wounds and hemorrhoids. Sweet clover also helps reduce the risk of phlebitis and thrombosis. Sweet clover has a sweet vanilla smell, caused by coumarin, which becomes more intense when the plant is dried. The dried sweet clover is used as scent for tobacco, herbal drinks or clothing (linen). Coumarin, which is the main phytochemical of sweet clover, is in fact produced from another chemical melilotoside after tissue breakdown. When sweet clover is not properly dried it can produce an anticoagulant dicoumarol. Therefore, sweet clover should never be given together with anticoagulants, as coumarin (warfarin), plavix or the newest, pradaxa. This is very important for anyone consuming herbs. Always consult a knowledgeable health care practitioner.
For me, I can easily see how I can confuse goldenrod and sweet clover at a glance. I have more field trips to do.

To improve bladder circulation, the botanical, Cleavers ( Galium aparine) has been used. Both Horsetail ( Equisetum arvense) and Corn silk ( Zea mays) are used for improving bladder tone as an astringent or tonic.
For the avid blog follower, I use Horsetail for other purposes as noted in the top photograph above.

Top photograph: Credit: Rick Byrd
I wonder if my hands are touching sweet clover, goldenrod or possibly another herb ?
Other photographs: Yellow Sweet Clover ( in the middle: White Clover)

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