Thursday, December 16, 2010


Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
- Bishop Desmond Tutu

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
- Vincent van Gogh

The little bits of good and great things done in a series are actions. Your actions are really your only true belongings. You have always heard that actions speak louder than words. For example, you have a disagreement with your partner. You start to react to the situation. Try -action rather than reaction. I have always stated that if a family member/patient/friend complains more than three times about a current situation, then he/she cannot complain anymore to me. That individual has not taken any action to correct the situation. I have been in the above situation. I even have to tell myself, Get up and take some action. I need the constant reminder. My father, a courageous , loving Archie Bunker prototype would say, " Sh*t or get off the pot" to many situations when individuals complained to him. Maybe he had a point !

Harry and David, a company that sends fruit send fruit throughout the year. I always get baskets of fruit - mainly apples and pears at this time of the year. This fruit is referred to as 'nopal" in Mexico. In South America this fruit is known as 'tuna" ( not the fish) It is cultivated and domesticated for the fruit, known as Prickly Pear ( Opuntia )
At this time of the year you might have a species of Opuntia in your house. Yes, in your house. The species is called Opuntia leptocaulis. It is the Christmas Cactus. My mother loved Christmnas Cactus. After my mom died my father always had one around the holiday time. Rick and I even have one in the living room in bloom.
For the adventourous, Opuntia can be made into jam and jellies. Italy also produces a after dinner liqueur from Opuntia.
It was not mentioned in James Duke Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible. Some cultures eat the cactus pads especially when the plant is young. I personally have never tried eating the pads. So another 'yet' is added to my wish list.
All plants have some chemical constituent that may or may not be medicinal. In Opuntia it is betalains and flavinoids. These are two of the finest anti oxidants. Beta carotene and lutein ( used for eye problems) are also found in Opuntia. Minerals, amino acids and sterols are also found in these plants.

For those that drink and suffer from hang-overs and 'kiss the porcelin' sometimes, you will happy to know that old folklore claims that Opuntia is the hangover cure.

If you haven't noticed while walking in both New York City and other cities throughout the United States,w e are in the midst of two great epidemics, Diabetes and Obesity. These twin peaks will lead to heart disease. There are millions of Americans walking around with pre-diabetes. This is also known as Syndrome X, Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome. The pathology in Metabolic syndrome involves elevations in all lipids, especially the triglyceride level (TG) and glucose ( sugar) plus a resistance to insulin ( high 1 hour and 2 hour insulin level)
Opuntia does exert his metabolic effects on Insulin Resistance. Other countries market Opuntia by other names. The French studied Opuntia with results stating that within 14 days there will be a decrease in total cholesterol (TC), Low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides (TG).

Top photograph: Our Christmas Cactus photo credit: Rick Byrd
Rest of photographs: Species of Opuntia

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