Monday, December 27, 2010


Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in sinks into the mind.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In my occupation I advise. I do not make anything I say mandatory. I feel if I make a statement harsh and rash, it will not do anything but harm to the patient. I would rather talk over the subject. I want the patient to come to a conclusion. If not that day, then another day-- maybe a month later.

I do not want to dwell upon anything too long. It starts to create "stinkin' thinkin". I want the snow to fall upon my jacket so I can think about it for a minute or two and then brush it off. I want to brush it off especially if this is part of old behavior, bad memories or resentments. Hopefully at this time in my life my anger and resentments are few. I find it so interesting that when I honestly share something that has been on my mind with someone, there will be one of two reactions. One, the individual and I will discuss it and resolve the situation; or two, the individual will no longer call. Oh, there is a third, the individual will rally others on their side. Now this is drama to the ultimate degree.

Today we have lots of snow. What does that remind you of? For me it is childhood memories of my brother and I playing in the snow. Either we went sleigh riding in the 'lot' or built snow igloos across the street. I recall so much more snowfall in the 1960's than in the years that followed. Today is one of those fond memory days of years gone by. My mother would wait for us by the door with hot chocolate. Close your eyes. What snow memory do you recall? Snow can be beautiful and peaceful.

As the New Year approaches most of us make New Year Resolutions. Many will involve food and a new diet. It is common sense that if you take in more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Here in Manhattan where the most efficient mode of transportation is walking, we do not see a large number of obese individuals. But in other areas of the United States, how many overweight people will you see? I can tell you this , there will be NOT one or two, but 20 or 30 in a crowd.

Everyone says decrease the carbohydrates, increase the exercise and drink plenty of water. Then why are some of us still overweight? It is about changing a lifestyle, not just cutting down. I want to educate you about your self image, self esteem and how psycho-social issues can drive the appetite--usually in the wrong direction. Are you an emotional eater? You have heard this before! When you get upset to you grab the chocolate, the bread or a cookie? Or do you starve yourself ?

Are you obese. What is obesity? Obesity is defined as a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25 kg/m2
Do you knwo how to calculate your BMI? There are programs on the Internet that do it for you, but here it is: BMI = weight in kg/height in meters, squared. Use the BMI calculator on the Internet. It is far easier.

Have you tried any of the OTC (over the counter) aids to lose weight? Some are high fiber intended to be eaten before meals to decrease the absorption of food and calories. Many try fat burning pills to increase the use of fats. These can lead to irritability and disrupt normal metabolic pathways.

You might have tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, The God Makers Diet, The Blood Typing Diet and hundreds more. I am no expert on diets, but after co-working with founder of the most famous diet, Robert Atkins (The Atkins Diet) I have a few thoughts of my own. I will say time and time again, THERE IS NO ONE DIET FOR EVERYONE. A diet should be a lifestyle change. Again, think 'lifestyle change' instead of 'going on a diet'.

Desperation can make you gullible. This is the number one message for today before embarking on a new dietary lifestyle: DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF?

Until tomorrow...

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