Tuesday, December 7, 2010


" People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. "

“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.”

We are a society that doubts everything. I think doubting is the " American way"
The quote above by Buddha states in 4 lines what sums up what harm or damage doubting may do. Of course, if you have been hurt or disappointed by an individual you will doubt if in the future that same individual will hurt or disappoint you again. During my twelve step work I have done to the best of my ability to make any amends that I owe, as long as it wouldn't harm that individual. I tried to the best of my ability to clean my end of the slate as I move forward. I used to wait for individuals ( usually ex partners) for their amends to me. If I still had the expectations of waiting I would only further get disappointed. I have never had some of the amends made to me. You know what--It is absolutely fine. I say this with 100%knowledge that is alright. I did what I had to do. I never forget that I owed someone money. I was discussing it with my partner at the time. I told him I should pay this individual back. He stated, " Why ? it is so long ago." I went my intuition and did the right thing.
Who could argue with Benjamin Franklin when he said, " When in doubt, Don't"
How much do you doubt others? Do you doubt yourself ?

Once again, conventional thinking has made a grave error. Since a report issued on November 30,2010 from the Institute of Medicine, I have received multiple calls from patients whom I prescribed high dose Vitamin D. This report, sponsored by the U.S. and Canadian governments, established new dietary intake guidelines, which include an increase in vitamin D recommendations and a decrease in calcium. The calcium amounts seem very rational and, in fact, are much closer to what we have been recommending for years. However, the vitamin D recommendations are a concern and much much lower than I would recommend.

It is important to point out that the IOM's recommendations only apply to vitamin D and calcium's effects on bone. What about the Vitamin D levels on From the specific studies the IOM chose to evaluate, they concluded that a 25(OH) vitamin D blood level of 20 ng/ml was sufficient for bone health. Most clinical laboratories list 30 ng/ml as the lower limit of the normal range and many studies have demonstrated protective effects from much higher blood levels, which experts assert can only be attained by supplementing with much higher amounts of vitamin D than the IOM is recommending. The IOM report claims the majority of the population is vitamin D sufficient and that vitamin D and calcium needs can be met from food consumption and limited sun exposure alone. Wrong we are all vitamin D deficientNOT sufficient. If you above a line drawn Los Angeles and Washington DC you better start taking higher doses of Vitamin D.
Additional sun exposure for vitamin D intake was not recommended due to concerns of skin damage, including skin cancer. I can understand this for sun damage and cancer risk, but what should be realized is that the sun will only give you Vitamin D2 not Vitamin D3 which is what the study is discussing.
The IOM report recommends:


Age (years) Daily amount (mg Upper Limits
1-3 700
4-8 1000
9-18 1000 1300
19-50 1000 2500
51-70 males 1000 2000
51-70 female 1000 2000
>70 1000 2000


Age (yrs) Daily Amount Upper Limit
Infants 0-6 mo no recommended amount 1000

Infants 6-12 mo no recommended amount 1500

1-3 600 2,500
4-8 600 3,000
9-70 600 4,000
>70 800 4,000

As you can see IOM is TELLING YOU that no individual should take Vitamin D greater than 4000. This absurd. I recommend 6,000 +. Also what form should patients be taking is another issue. The third issue is what happens if your vitamin D level is 15 and you are 30 years of age. Their recommendations is 4,000. This is way too low for a level of 15.
There are numerous studies indicating that vitamin D, often at higher blood levels and in larger intakes than those recommended by the IOM report, may also be beneficial for the prevention of a multitude of other health conditions including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, a variety of cancers, influenza, musculoskeletal pain, and autoimmune diseases. The authors of the IOM report, however, argue that these other health conditions "are not supported by the available evidence," and that the benefit of higher intakes and blood levels of vitamin D are "inconsistent and/or conflicting and did not demonstrate causality."
Again we have studies that have associated low vitamin D levels with breast cancer, other cancers, and heart disease. The data is there. Not supported !! This is an outrage that we need more evidence while patients with cancer are dying. Everyone should take vitamin D. Vitamin D is fat soluble so the health care professional has to check liver enzymes every few months.

I have just stated the facts. You make the choice with your doctor of the amount of Vitamin D3 you should take.

I prefer taking Vitamin D3 in liquid form. I use the white bottle above from Biotics. I get mine from Longevity Nutritionals, 1-888-77Vitamins | 212-688-5536
Until tomorrow...

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