Sunday, April 3, 2011


"It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible " Dali Lama

A good heart and a good attitude lead to a good life. Try to the best of your ability to do this every single day. It is not easy with the hustle and bustle of a busy life. The more you generate these good feelings, the more you will reap. It is karma. Try not to be negative on your awakening. Have a positive attitude. If need be have a mantra by your bedside to say immediately upon awakening. It starts the day off with a good balance.

It is hard to believe that Lyme Disease has been around longer than AIDS. The first case of Lyme was reported in 1976, (with the first case of HIV, then known as GRIDS, in 1980) after discovering the the children in Old Lyme, CT did not have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis but instead a tick borne illness. It was caused by a spirochete, like the great masquerader, Syphillis. The spirochete, Borrelia burgdorfery was transmitted from the dear tick, Ixodes scapulatris to humans. In the last 35 years, other tick borne illnesses have been identified. These are co-infections that many Lyme patients also get. Lyme is reported in just about every state within the United States. Incidence has been rising steadily for many years. The East Coast is affected more than the West Coast.

In my 17 years of clinical practice I have seen many cases of Lyme's in all of the three stages. As the former Medical Director in Cherry Grove, Fire Island, New York, I had at least 2 -3 cases per day. Some patients had just been bitten, and still had the tick on them. Others noticed a rash, but did not remember a tick bite. One patient got bit by a tick, was treated with Ceftriaxone, and two days later had a complete blood count revealing severe thrombocytopenia and leukopenia (low platelets and low white count). His blood was sent to IgeneX, the premier lab (not licensed in NY). I find it more accurate than the Center of Disease Control ( CDC) Western blot test. He was treated with antibiotics and a retest weeks later was negative. He was one of the lucky ones.

Not every patient is so lucky. I have many patients suffering with Chronic Lyme. Today is known as Persistent Lyme Disease Syndrome (PLDS). The symptoms are chronic and debilitating and include intermittent arthralgias, sleep disturbances and neuralgia. Another patient recently came to the office with memory loss progressing over 3 years. After being sent to various specialists, especially neurology, he may have a Neurodegenerative Disease based on the brain scans. An IgeneX test was done last week. The problem with the test is the cost. The test for Lyme and co-infections can cost more than $2000. And it is not covered by most insurances. Regardless of everything you read on the Internet, the first line treatment is antibiotics. I usually treat for 3 consecutive months with three different antibiotics. It this craved in stone. NO is is not, but is based on clinical findings over seventeen years.

Most of the symptoms appear as any chronic disease like Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Everything is not Lyme, but it should be considered. I see very few cases where tick borne illnesses are eradicated completely. The disease must be treated early within the first week of a bite to have effective results. So we are left with many patients having Chronic Lyme Disease. In Fire Island you must also be attentive to your pets, because dogs can get Lyme Disease. If you are not sure if you have been bitten by a tick, I would suggest seeking medical attention to be sure.

Until tomorrow...

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