Thursday, April 21, 2011


Everyone has tiny microorganisms living in their intestines! Many of the microorganisms are beneficial such as the lactobacillus, bifidium and many more. These are the good bacteria. There are also many parasites that can live within our intestinal wall. These parasites are there because we do not have a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Have you ever had a parasite? Regardless of the type of parasite, it most often is not a pleasant experience. Where do you think people get parasites? Most likely through food and drinking water we may consume. Consuming clean water and food and washing hands is a sure way NOT to get a parasite.

I first saw parasites while I was working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados West Indies during my third year of medical school. It was not a pleasant site, as this woman had a filarial parasite. Her legs were described as elephant legs. The next parasite I saw was Loa Loa. The chief of Infectious Disease brought us to a patient's room who had this subcutaneous parasite. It was a worm crossing from her right eye to her left eye. I have also seen hookworm in the intestines. I have seen my share of parasites! In the medical school classroom and in my infectious disease studies we were not taught about herbs. The first lesson is that herbs have the ability to kill parasites. I was taught about mebenazole, thibendazole, flagyl and paramycin. Herbs kill the parasite, their larvae and their eggs. I have found that different herbs have the capacity to kill different parasite species--some kill the bigger worms, while others kill the microscopic worms.

Do you think you can get a parasite in New York City? Well of course you can. Eat at a salad bar or a sushi restaurant and you could get a parasite.

Herbs can also act as purifiers. Some herbs can remove all the toxins left over from the parasite. I have found that if your body has heavy metals (for example mercury, lead or aluminum) you must first get rid of the metals before tackling the parasite. If you are killing parasites, they will be removed through the colon. The colon is working extra hard to rid the body of these worms. Since the digestive system is working so hard, you need to keep it running smoothly.

The three most common herbs that kill parasites are:

1. Black Walnut

2. Wormwood

3. Cloves

Each of these herbs has other actions in addition to parasite killing capacity.

Black Walnut contains tannin which is simply organic iodine. It also contains juglone, juglandiun and juglandic acid. It is great for ringworm but is also very active against tapeworms, pinworms, and malaria (Plasmodium). I use it very often. I even use it to get rid of yeast overgrowth from candida albicans.

Wormwood is the most powerful herb for killing parasites. It is great against roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. This herb contains the toxin thujpone and isothujone. It is bitter. I mean really, really bitter. It is most often used to kill malaria (Plasmodium species). It weakens the parasite membrane with sesquiterpene lactone.

Clove is a powerful anti-microbial (like an antibiotic). It contains eugenol, tannin and caryophyllene. You need this herb with the above two as it kills microscopic parasites, larvae and eggs. The component responsible for killing larvae in all stages is eugenol. It is great for malaria, tuberculosis, parasites and even viruses. Instead of ciprofloxacin for shigella, pseudomonas, streptococci and straphycoccus you can use cloves.

You see, herbs can do wonderful things...

Until tomorrow...

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