Sunday, April 3, 2011


"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

-Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, a non physician, said it better than anyone. This is what I want for the future of medicine. I was recently asked in an interview what 3 people in history I would want to have dinner with. My first guest would be Sir William Osler, a physician beyond all physicians. He was a true clinician with excellent patient skills. The second was Oscar Wilde, for his wit, humor, and vulnerability. The third was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. After reading the quote above, I want FDR to give up his place setting to Thomas Alva Edison. I realize I have no women at my dinner table. I wish I could have one more guest. I would love to have a sip of sparkling water with Miss Bette Davis.

One of the most interesting aspects of treating patients both conventionally and integratively is that I see a number of different treatments being used by the patient. Most of these treatments patients are using have been given to them from other Lyme Disease patients or have been read on the Internet. I find the Internet both beneficial and harmful. I have some patients who constantly surf the internet for the "cure" of many diseases especially Lyme Disease. In my opinion, those who are highly addicted to the computer for medical/health advice should be termed 'Internet Health Terrorists.' If you read about a treatment on the Internet for any specific disease, I recommend you discuss it with your Health Care Provider/Practitioner.

Is there a cure for Lyme Disease? I honestly do not know if there is a cure. I do know that if treated early (within 72 hours) there is good chance of NO transmission of Lyme Disease to the patient. The cure for Chronic Lyme needs to be researched and studied more extensively. In the same manner that the NIH (National Institute of Health) is conducting trials of medicinal mushrooms, there should be trials for various herbal treatments for Spirochetes (the cause of Lyme and other diseases).

At the Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine earlier this month, I attended a lecture on Tick Borne Illnesses by David Winston RH. David Winston, RH (AHG) is an herbalist and Ethnobotanist with almost 40 years of training in Cherokee, Chinese and Western herbal traditions. He has had a clinical practice for over 30 years and is an herbal consultant to physicians throughout the USA and Canada. President of Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. an herbal manufacturing company, he is also founder/director of David Winston's Center for Herbal Studies, which features his highly respected Two-Year Clinical Herbalist Training Program. He is an internationally known lecturer and teaches frequently at medical schools, symposia and herb conferences (AHG)

I have seen David lecture over the years and have always been impressed by his knowledge, passion and love of herbs. The genus, species and families of plants flow effortlessly from his mouth. I am proud to be an RH among individuals like him and many others.

I have used many of the herbs David discussed, but not in the same combination nor for extended periods of time. I returned from SW Conference with renewed vigor, excitement and passion for new herbs. I do know that some previous herbal treatments (most found on the Internet) have not been successful for my patients. Neither the Zhang (Garlic) protocol nor the Cowden (Cat's Claw - aka Samento) protocol have been effective for my patients. At first I thought there was improvement, but there was NOT. I also object to the cost of some of these protocols. Furthermore, since there is NO scientific evidence published on the Samento protocol, I must question its use. Is it scientific or a marketing ploy? I do not know, so I would rather not use it. Patients have their own voice, right and opinion. When asked, I will say I have used such protocols with minimal benefits.

The treatment of Lyme Disease is not one single treatment. I do know it is multifactorial. David Winston's herbal treatment validates my use of herbs. The two herbs I have used that are on David Winston' list are Sarsaparilla(Smilax) and Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata).

There are more than 60 - 80 herbs that can be used for specific symptoms. For example Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) can be used for neck and muscle pain. Teasel root (Dipsacus spp) can be used for the inflammatory arthritis in Lyme patients, and the common Blueberry (Vaccinium spp) is a potent antioxidant. Today I can admit I do not know everything. Remember there is no perfection. Why do I attend conferences? I attend them to learn more. I am a sponge for learning. After listening to most any lecture I attend, I am in awe of the lecturer and the new material.

Being a newly conferred AHG Registered Herbalist, I need to learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and their specific herbs within a formula. A new goal for me is to be more fluent in TCM.

My success with Lyme Disease is solely based on the multitude of treatments used. In addition to herbs I utilize many supplements, some which I give intravenously. There should be a dietary and exercise lifestyle change. There should be behavioral therapy as well as some self esteem boosting hobby the patient engages in.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. It is so important to self diagnose if your physician will not. Don’t take the fact that your physician says you are fine as fact. Investigate and eliminate possibilities and find suitable thyroid support supplements that work the best for you.
