My inner peace is nurtured by being close to nature. I felt that strongly while studying in Ithaca. I felt this way as a child. Although the studies in Ithaca were about plants, I also have an affinity for other aspects of nature---animals, water, landforms, sunlight, wind... My mentor, 7 song allowed me to publish the above photographs. He must have inner peace while observing the frogs, foxes and newts. The photographs brought happiness to my heart and a smile to my face. I am grateful that he allowed me to post them.
This summer will be a test of my inner peace and endurance. I am meditating and praying for a drama free season. I want to really 'live' among the plants, the bees, the bats, and the flowers. I am not accustomed to seeing amphibians but I have read that there are about 30 species of amphibians and reptiles living on or visiting the Fire Island National Seashore. This ranges from the giant leather back sea turtle to the quiet, remorseful Fowler's toad. I have never seen a fox on the island, but we have tame deer with a large population estimated at 600-800. The red fox used to be a commonly seen mammal on the island.
We are losing the herbaceous plants and small trees every year. I do not want to think that in time we may never see an old American Holly, Sassafras or Black Cherry.
Be drawn to the inner beauty of yourself. Be drawn to nature and its wonder. Be drawn to flowers. Be drawn to learning something new. My next learning experience is to record the bird species on the island. I have been told that Fire Island is the best birding location. We will see.
Until tomorrow...
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