Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Love is the most powerful tool for creating change."

Love is certainly a powerful tool. The word LOVE is over used and abused by some. Only true love can create change.

Love has many forms. The unconditional love of a child or a small puppy is the purest love there is in the world. We all need so badly to be loved. I know today I am loved. I used to crave love to the point of begging and searching for it. I used to search for love in the wrong places. Today, I have found love. First it comes from within. I have two hands--one to love myself and the other hand to love others. I am grateful for the love I have today.

Some of us have the touch and some of us do not. I am not inclined to arrange flowers in the correct order. Is there a correct way to arrange flowers? Of course there is. I am color deficient. I can blend colors or threads, cotton or silk and different wools, however I am not good at contrasting different colors whether on the wall or in a vase. I did not receive those genes from either of my parents.

Floral design (aka flower arranging) is a wonderful, beautiful and gratifying hobby that could even blossom into a new career. My partner, Rick had the touch even before he started the New York School of Floral Design and at the New York Botanical Garden.

I am blessed and grateful to have this man. My desk has a new arrangement every week. This week I have Milk Thistle with greenery with odd and end wires. Quite stunning.
If you want an arrangement I suggest an email to mailto:ricknchlec@aol.,com Put Le Petiole in the Subject- Floral Design

Some rules he told me about:

1. The largest and darkest flowers are placed close to the base of the design.

2. Smallest and lightest flowers are placed on the outer edge of design.

3. In a symmetrical arrangement space the flowers evenly.

4. For an asymmetrical arrangement the flowers are placed in a way that weight is evenly distributed.

5. Flowers should be harmonious -- use similar colors or textures.

6. Flowers should be contrasting, so individual flowers won't blend in completely, and the arrangement my include objects that are not flowers or leaves. I love Rick's way of contrasting flowers with objects like wood, bamboo,wire, or glass. He is an Outstanding designer

Photograph credit and original floral design: Rick Byrd

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