Friday, April 1, 2011


" Saying NO can be the ultimate self-care." Claudia Black

No is a complete sentence. Most of us, including me at times has trouble with that word. Sitting on my son's bed in college is a pillow stating, "What part of No didn't you understand?" I made that pillow for him as a reminder to him that saying NO is healthy. It is taking care of yourself. I am a giver. Are you a giver? At this time in my life I am a giver with self respect. Those of us who are Type A personalities are usually givers. Giving without expectations is healthy. Giving all the time is not healthy. I have learned to give to myself. I give to myself by eating well, exercising, meditating and doing my various hobbies. All of this can boost your self esteem. Saying NO can boost your self-esteem.

Practice saying NO. You deserve it!

Life is a series of Transitions. Graduations, marriages, the possibility of grandchildren...these are special mid life events. As you get older there is pain, suffering and loss. There will be loss of a parents, friends, relatives and even pets.

This is a time in your life when all your lifestyle changes should bring you retribution, rewards, or possibly both. Have you received any rewards at mid life? I have been chosen, blessed and grateful that I see the world differently. My midlife has brought me greater self-knowledge and a large body of accumulated knowledge that is empowering. In my case it is the knowledge of plants. Midlife may also come with the baggage of unrealized dreams. I cannot say that is true of myself. It seems that many of my dreams are coming true one day at a time. Sure there have been some failures and disappointments along the way.

Do you have failures or disappointments? We all do. You are not alone.

Usually at the midlife crisis (I am in the midst of mine) we are forced to pay attention to the physical body. The body requires more care now than previously thought. I know that better than most as I see individuals when they are young, young adults, adults at mid life, and adults at old age.

The conversations I have with my partner and friends usually involve aches and pains. When it starts to involve my bowel and sleep habits, I know I am aging and it reminds me of the conversation between Bette Midler and James Caan in For the Boys. There is also the dreaded need of being closer to a bathroom as we age, and dietary restrictions due to a chronic colitis conditions. In midlife many of us begin to rely on pharmaceuticals to manage pain and other illnesses.

It doesn't have to be this way. There are herbs. I choose them as a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals. I am grateful to my Higher Power for allowing me the chance to guide others on this path.

The herbs that are a perfect fit for midlife crisis are the Adaptogens.

Top photograph: Lemon Balm

Middle Photograph: Holy Basil

Bottom Photograph: Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength Stamina and Stress Relief by David Winston and Steven Maimes

Until tomorrow...

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