Sunday, October 16, 2011


"YOUR honest word is one of the most precious and powerful possessions."

"Honesty is always the best policy." I can still feel those words of my father penetrating my ears. He also said, "Bullshit walks, money talks." He was part of a unique breed of men. I do agree that honestly is the way to go. But I must say you must be honest with yourself first. Honest enough with yourself not to blame others for your faults. I see many patients who at one time or another have blamed their upbringing and parents for some of their traits. Let it go-- whether your parents are dead or alive. Parents do the best they are capable of doing. Own up to the fact that you are an adult now. We all make mistakes. Be honest. Admit your own faults. As a parent I have tried to the best of my ability to do the right thing. Perhaps I was not as attentive as I could have been, but I always did my best for my children. As children get older, they need to reflect on what was really the truth and what was not.

Be honest. It is a precious gift to be honest.

Various types of digestive aids have been used throughout history. As we get older we sometimes need these digestive enzymes to help with our absorption of nutrients. Digestive aids should be consumed just prior to or upon initiation of meals. The historical use of digestive aids go back to ancient times throughout most of the world, especially Europe and the Middle East. Some of the best known digestive aids are herbs known as bitters. There are many herbs that are bitters. Some of these include dandelion, wild lettuce, milk thistle, chicory, gentian and artichoke leaf (not the bulb which I use to decrease cholesterol).

Consuming digestive aids just prior to a meal helps with the production of salivary enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and bile as well as other enzymes in the mouth, pancreas and stomach. I utilize the pancreatic enzymes from either animal or plant sources. Some individuals prefer the bovine or porcine only. Little research has been done on the exact amount of each particular enzyme needed to assist digestion. I prefer to use plant derived protease enzymes. I use papain, which is derived from papaya, and bromelain derived from pineapple stems. These are proteases which break down proteins and have no ability at all to break down fats or carbohydrates.

Other digestive aids that help with the breakdown of lipids are bile products. Bile supplementation sometimes is needed in assisting a patient with digestion issues. There are also several plants called choleretics and cholagogues that are useful in stimulating the release of your body's own bile during digestion. These are artichoke leaf, dandelion root, barberry, peppermint and even milk thistle.

Find the right digestive enzyme for you.

Until tomorrow..

1 comment:

  1. :) now I'm hungry :)

    If you want you can join the giveaway!
