Wednesday, October 26, 2011



This is something no one wants to discuss. Certainly, I do not want to discuss my fears and discomfort. I am feeling uncomfortable. Yes, I said it and now I wrote it. This means I will work on it. I will grow in a positive direction. This creates fear, but I have come to know that fear is good. It means a need for change. I must change some of my stinking thinking. We all have some stinking thinking. I am not perfect. Remember it is always progress, and never perfection.

Some doctors ask why as a cardiologist do I use natural hormonal replacement therapy for women. True I am not a gynecologist, but I am a doctor. I look at the overall health of my patients. All of the hormones in a woman's body interact with each other. What you need to understand is that hormonal imbalance in a women can happen at any age. It is not just for the post-menopausal women. ANATOMY LESSON: Estrogen is made in the ovaries . There are estrogen receptors on many organs including the breasts, brain, vagina, eyes, heart and even the lungs.

There are more than 400 functions of estrogen. I cannot write all of the beneficial actions of estrogen in a woman's body.

Some are the following:

1. decrease the incidence of colon cancer

2. dilate smaller arterioles

3. lowers lipoprotein@ - a cardiac risk factor

4. decreases wrinkles

5. helps prevent tooth loss

6. helps with fine motor skills

7. improves insulin sensitivity

8. increases concentration

9. reduces overall risk factors for heart disease

10. helps maintain memory

and much more

Some of the signs and symptoms of estrogen deficiency:

1. acne

2. anxiety

3. arthritis

4. food cravings

5. chronic fatigue

6. depression

7. diabetes

8. vaginal dryness

9. increase in facial hair

10. infertility

11. more wrinkles

12. oily skin

More on estrogen

Until tomorrow...

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