Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"Ask yourself this question: Will this matter a year from now?"- Richard Carlson, PhD

I love this question. Will anything matter a year from now? Who knows and who cares. I do know I am not going to project a year from now. Projecting into the future with expectations will only lead to disappointments. I am tired of disappointments in my life. I would rather be surprised.

As I get older I am frustrated with an individual's need for drama. It seems although summer time in a community on an island should be serene, it always ends with some drama.
Will this drama matter a year from now? I know for me it will not. With a lot of partner support, meditation, prayer and communication I have frozen those who have caused drama. Drama is an addiction. I have learned to limit my addictions. Addictions are energy thieves
My energy is precious to me. I have found for me that those who cause drama have nothing better to do with their time. Do you know anyone who causes drama? Look closely at that person...really really close and PRAY for him/her.


This is true. The bacterium is a gram negative spiral shaped organism called Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) for short. It is the most common infection found worldwide Just as most bacteria, viruses and spirochetes, H pylori is able to live in an acidic environment. It has been linked to duodenal and stomach ulcers, and stomach (gastric) cancer. It is also linked to the development of the atherosclerotic plaque. Most of us have been infected in childhood which I find very interesting. Through the years the bacteria burrow in the stomach and attache to the deeper layers. It resides there for years without causing symptoms. But sometimes it does!

The symptoms can be severe- acid reflux, burning and mid-gastric pain. Some people have no symptoms.

Talk to your doctor--get a H pylori test in the office with a breath test. It is easy, reliable and can save you an endoscopy (scope passed from mouth to the stomach).

Are you at risk? Those using antacids are at risk. The other lifestyle choices that may increase your risk are smoking, alcohol use, drinking coffee, diets high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, and even the deadly STRESS. Who isn't at stress these days?

I want to discuss the conventional and integrative treatments. I use all modalities of medicine to help heal patients. There is the conventional triple play (I call it this) as it involves two antibiotics and one acid pump inhibitor (you know them - prilosec, nexium, etc ) Most individuals cannot tolerate the antibiotics. Remember when taking antibiotics always take the good bacteria (probiotics). But remember to take it at a different time of day, not at the same time of ingestion of the antibiotic.

Some patients require more than one round of treatment of this triple play.

I will tell you there are some different approaches:

1. Dietary lifestyle - stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates.

2. Bismuth: prevents the H pylori from adhering to the gastric wall

3. Using beta carotene, zinc, copper and manganese - these encourage mucous production and growth of the mucosa cells

4. Mastic gum (MASTIKA/MASTICA) - this is perhaps my favorite. This is from the sap of a tree on the island of Chios. It is mass produced on this island. It is available in capsule form . The dose is usually 6 capsules per day. I treat for two months. I use the brand Pryocil (available at ) There is another brand called Bye Bye Lori.

5. DGL: - deglycerized licorice - an herb of course. The deglycerized version is needed for some patients as the glycerized version can cause elevation in blood pressure.

6. Berberine - there are many plants which contain this compound. Berberine is yellow and cannot be missed when cutting what YOU think are weeds.

I utilize an Anti-Inflammatory approach to most diseases, and treating H pylori is no exception. This is based on using fruits and vegetables that have a low glycemic index and high antioxidant properties. It is a lifestyle with little red meat and more fish. I also try to help patients cope with their stress. Sometimes an individual just needs sometime to talk to.

Until tomorrow..

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