Tuesday, October 12, 2010


"When you see the value of continued growth, the circumstances around you become stepping stones." - Clyde M Narrimore

Thank you, Karen

I find it difficult to see my own growth. I usually cannot see the changes that I have made in my life. Perhaps I was blinded or in denial at that time. Often when I talk to fellow 12 steppers, they comment on their changes and progress. Sometimes I do realize my growth, but I would rather be humble and not discuss it. It is so true that all of the circumstances that have come up in the last 16 years have been stepping stones. It is like I have been guided by God along this beautiful lake as pictured above. Each time I am ready to take a step there is a stone on the lake for me to stand on. The stone is my support. The stones will be there if I do the work.

Have you done the work to step on a new stone and move forward? Some of these stepping stones have been difficult. The stepping stone of letting go has been more like a ragged cliff to get up and past than a stone to step on. The letting go of loved ones who are suffering is a difficult challenge. It shows growth but at a real expense to my heart and soul. I have to deal with death and dying on a daily basis. I never get good at it. I do not want anyone to suffer. So in my own way, I let go of these loved ones physically, but never emotionally or spiritually.

This Albert Einstein quote not only appeals to me, but I believe it. I want to continually challenge myself. I want to learn more and more as I get older.
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
Albert Einstein

Mr Holmes is correct, it doesn't matter where we stand in life, but where we are going. Is the growth in the right direction.
“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes

And finally, who could argue with Benjamin Franklin? Growth must be a process, a continuing process. He is really saying, " Progress not Perfection"

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”
Benjamin Franklin

When was the last time you took an antibiotic? Modern medicine has seen many advances during the last thirty years. Many of these advances have been technological which have led to gains in diagnosing illnesses earlier. I will tell you that integrative or alternative medicine in this country has an ever growing presence. Is it a grassroots movement? I used to ask myself this question. But at this point who cares if it is or is not. There is strong scientific basis for herbal medicine.

I have been talking for months about lifestyle changes. There is no magic pill or cure, nor one remedy to compensate for an unhealthy lifestyle. My goal is get you healthy.

Antibiotics have a place in medicine. Antibiotics have saved lives. The problem is when doctors misuse them, or use stronger antibiotics when less expensive ones can be more effective. Thus overuse creates "bug" resistance. Today we have methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, called MRSA. We also have resistant strains in treating malaria. Can an herb be used instead of an antibiotic? Under the right circumstance- YES. There are a few infections for which I would NOT consider the use of herbs as primary treatment. These include endocarditis (infection of the heart valves), meningitis (infection of the meninges of the brain), septicemia/bacteria (infections of the blood) and appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix). I am sure there are more, but these are the few that come to my mind.

For the next few days I will discuss specific conditions where herbs might have some benefit. However, as always, consult your health care practitioner.

So, let's start with a simple earache. More antibiotics are prescribed for this condition than any other. We all have had one or two as a child. Your mother calls the doctor and by nightfall you are swallowing a spoonful of a pink liquid - Amoxicillin. Your doctor has treated your otitis media. Are antibioitcs really needed in treating otitis media? The parent is scared. He/she fears for his/her child's hearing and language skills. I am not a pediatrician, but according to my colleagues, there are a lot of cases of otitis today. They contribute this to day care centers and second hand smoking. Due to large numbers of cases being present, there is an increase in antibioitc resistant bacteria. I also feel that patients expect a prescription after they see the doctor. My friends even have told me that some parents demand them and will not leave until they have Rx in hand. If you do get an Rx from the MD ask if it is a narrow spectrum or broad spectrum antibioitc. The use of a narrow spectrum antibiotic when appropriate will help reduce the evolution of resistant strains of bacteria.

Are there other choices?

1. Chewing gum relieves earaches (patient must be over 5 years old). Studies suggest gum sweetened with xylitol might reduce earaches. It is sold as Spry Gum--many flavors.
2. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) a demulcent
3. Garlic (Allium sativum
)- both antibacterial and anti viral properties
4. St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has antibacterial properties, but personally I have never used for ear infections
5. Mint herbs- I love the mint family for their decongestant properties. This is why I grow peppermint, spearmint and mint all summer long. A good friend of mine uses catnip (Nepeta cataria)

In the end some infections will require antibiotics. And then there are some that DO NOT require antibiotics. Be informed. Be accepting.

Until tomorrow...

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