Friday, October 15, 2010


" Mistakes give us experience. Without them going forward is almost impossible"

" I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” - Luis Miguel

Who hasn't made a mistake. I can think of many. I didn't think they were mistakes at the time but in retrospect, there were mistakes. I do not like to admit them but I must. The old skeletons or my mistakes must not be forgotten, because I wouldn't be where I am today if not for them. Can you think of your mistakes ? Where would you be without your mistakes? Would you be repeating the same behaviors? Learn from your mistakes. Can't you just hear your father or mother saying this to you. If you cannot think of your mistake, ask your closest friend or partner. I am sure he/she will remind you ! I used to view a mistake as a failure. It would depress me and further lower my self-esteem. I would be ashamed. Wow, life is so different today. I am blessed. I am sure you are blessed. Maybe you never thought of being blessed with your life and the mistakes you have made. The stepping stones of your life--Your Mistakes.

In discussing any topic before considering herbs, one must look at the dietary lifestyle. This is crucial. When thinning hair or hair loss strikes something is out of whack. Listen to your body. I have seen hair loss happen after delayed stress from an event(s) that are traumatic. Have you had a raumatic event ? Think about this-- loss of a loved one, a relationship ending, surgery and a physical or mental illness. You think it is your thyroid. You go to the doctor. He is very astute as he does all thyroid testing including Free T3, Free T4 as well as thyroid antibodies. It is not your thyroid. This is great news. I should tell you that hair loss due to stress is completely reversible. Perhaps you need stress reduction techniques as yoga, new meditation practices and any new hobby to your daily regimen. The main cuprit is what you are eating. Remember Marion Nestle's statement, " You Are What You Eat" You need a balanced diet rich in B vitamins for your hair especially biotin and folic acid. If you do not now by now what foods contain these B vitamins--read this: leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale. Feed your hungry hair with protein. It doesn't have to be animal protein. You can get protein from fish, eggs, beans, nuts and soy. Not peanuts ( as peauts are yeasty) Igf you want lean protein-- you can also do that. Protein builds keratin--which is the hair's outermost layer. You also need to build collagen. You do this by increasing your doses of Vitamin C. It helps splittng and breakage. Sugar feeds yeast. Yeast is a fungus. Many scalp fungal infections affect hair growth. Now once you cleaned the diet you can try essential oil scalp treatment with german chamomille and lavender. On a personal note, I have been using Horsetail ( Equestrium arvenese)in topical application as well as oral ingestion. I also have added Fennell seeds to my salad. I do as a routine take MSM at a dose greater than 3,000mg ( 3 grams) My own hair growth is amazing. I feel better and look younger with hair. I am letting it growth long.
I also test for heavy metals in the body when hair starts to fall out. I check the heavy metals by blood and a provocative urine challenge. You would surprised at the results int hose with hair thinning or loss.
Diet- First, Stress reduction- second, Third,- Supplements and Herbs, 4th- you do NOT have to visit Trichological Center
My idea of relaxing is riding through a field with my hair blowing in the wind.
Until tomorrow...

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