Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010 HEAVENS BEE

" To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity." Wlliam Ward

WE are all human. We all make mistakes. We often make the same mistake until we get it wright. Everyone stumbles. Some stumble through life more than others. Alcoholic stumble through life all the time. Those that are secure with themseves are the only ones that can truly laugh at oneself. This is a sign of maturity. I was not able to laugh at myself and my mistakes until I was clean, honest and sober. I used to laugh at myself in the distant distant past, but I was laughing at myself as a sign of low self esteem. Now, I laugh at myself, because I am secure of who and what I am doing in my life. When was the last time you laughed at yourself, just not in jest ? Maturity ios being able to sit down and using crayons and build with lego without a flinch. For me, using a loom to make yarn flowerettes is maturity. We all easily slip back into immaturity , but at least I can catch myself when these times happen. When did youi last color with a crayon ? Try it tonight - I promsie it will be fun !

I always knew growing up that I would help animals, insects or human being. I loved science. I loved mending a broken wing of a sparrow. Saving the spider. I loved growing a herbal garden with my Poppy, especially his tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. I was born to help living things. Remember plants are living. We often forget that. Until Rick, I didn't think I could offer anything to anyone. That tells you about my self esteem. Now I am on a steam locomotive going at high spped. I feel I do not have enough time to do anything.
I feel more comfortable among the plants and my new botanical life. I need to turn my attention to the Bees. Yes, BEES !I want to be a beekeeper. I have this yearn to do this. I have asked patients about beekeeping. I happen to ask the right person who has directly me. You think it may not be practical in NYC. However there is the New York City Bee Association. Governor Patterson has passed a law that NYC residents can have hives. We need bees to keep flowers pollinated but if beekeepers go bankrupt , certain sectors of argiculture will be in real trouble. Honey bees today pollinate more than ninety flowring crops int he United States with most of these crops being dependent on the species, Apis for fruit, vegetable and nut formation. The dwarf honey bee or the red dwarf honey bee, Apis florea, is one of two species of small, wild honey bees of southern and southeastern Asia. It has a much wider distribution than its sister species, Apis andreniformis. Honey cannot be for sale, as we have a shortage. It is getting better each day thanks to beekeepers. I want to be one of those beekeepers giving not selling my honey to friends and family. In the early 2000's we started to have colony collapse disorder. (CCD) Two years ago, 35 states had CCD. California has been hit the hardest. NY is no exception. I could go on and on. I am only learning about this from my vast reading in the last one month. Did you know there is a book called, " Beekeeping for Dummies." Who do you think bought it? Me. There are others factors affecting the disappearance of the honey bee.
Th photographers are actually of a beekeepers hive in Suffolk, VA. While his father was visting an old friend to buy flowers, he found out that this coiuple no longer were growing flowers, but had changed profession. Guess what the new profession is?


One day Rick and I will be beekeepers. Until then I will dream , hope and inspire to help the bees --and indirectly the flowers and the agriculture industry.

Until tomorrow...

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