Sunday, October 24, 2010

OCTOBER 24, 2010 C-O-N-T-E-N-T-M-E-N-T

" A truly happy person enjoys the scenery on a detour. Contentment comes from making the most of what we have and going with it. "

How many times driving have you gotten lost and truly didn't fret, but enjoyed the view ? Or did you get aggravated with your partner because you got lost ? It is so much easier to enjoy life when you are fulfilled and happy, rather than angry and miserable. At the beginning of the weekend , I drifted into a place of despair. I heard news about the summer's events which did sting a bit. Remember I cannot control other's behavior. Neither can you ! I do not have to particpate in drama. I am doing a 90 in 90 of drama free. Thank goodness ! I sought contentment. I have contentment. The things that us content varies from individual to individual. For me: Reading a good book, creating holiday cards,being with your life-partner, having life conversations with your children, helping people, walking among the trees/ plants or a stitch or two does allow a contentment to wash over my body. It is like a wave crashing among my body. What makes you content? I have learned being content with another individual, a group of friends or family is not the same. Contentment with yourself allows for growth. For the morning meditation, I concentrated on my own contentment. Sort of like having a date with myself.

In life, what do you really want ? Do you want what princesses wanted. Sovereignty over your own life as if in the Court of Henry VIII. I have thought about this for some time. I want control over my health. I want vitality. I want youth. I want beauty. I want peace and serenity. Is that too much to ask for ? All of us go through stages or phases in life. Each stage of our life may have its own influences.
I think women more than men want beauty and attractivenss. I think women take care of themselves better than men. This is an observation from years of practice. If I asked you to tell me what is the number one health issues among women of all ages--what would you say. 33% of women polled answered breast cancer. Not correct. Another 1/3 answered Alzheimer's Disease. Not correct. The last third answered heart disease. Heart disease is the number one health issue accounting for about 26% of the top ten health issues. For those chronic health conditions among the population 65 years and older--the two chronic diseases are hypertension and arthritis. Both affect women more than men. As women get older their own health concerns in their fourth and fifth decade of life include breast health, perimenopause, cognitive decline , weight management, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. For men, their health concerns are limited to prostate health and sexual performance or libido.

Another concern affecting women more than men are autoimmune diseases, as lupus, thyroid, and diabetes. These diseases strike or affect women three times more than men. An astonishing fact is that of the 50 million Americans living with autoimmunity, 30 million are women.
Are you getting the idea? These autoimmune diseases represent the fourth largest cause of disability among women in the United States.
When dealing with autoimmune disease in both sexes, the underlying INFLAMMATION must be addressed. This inflammation is usually in the small intestines which hence forward can affect other organs and systems. You just remove some of the offenders. These offenders are often dairy and wheat. Together these are yeast. Always remember GLUTEN is yeast ( Barley , Rye , Oats, and Wheat ) Other offenders are heavy metal intoxication and chronic infection. Once these offenders are removed, you must utilize anti-inflammatory nutrients to rebuild. These are usually a protein powder which is not dairy ( examples are brown rice and hemp) with adequate supplementation, the good bacteria-probiotics, an amino acid, glutamine , anti-inflammatory herbs, as ginger and tumeric. Other anti-inflammatory nutrients include fish oils and Vitamin D. For women,it is imperative to examine is the estrogen metabolits are in or out of balance. These estrogen metabolites can be balanced with diet and nutrition. It always comes back to a DIETARY LIFESTYLE. I would also state that it always comes back to Mother Earth--the plants.

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