Wednesday, November 24, 2010


" Life's little duties should never come before love. Make time for those you care about."

The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln said this:
“Let us have faith that right makes right, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.”

As we approach the beginning of the Holiday Season you will always find little duties to do in addition to the normal chores - shopping for food, cooking, washing clothes, writing checks and bills etc. None of these duties- daily or Holiday extras should come before L-O-V-E. If you truly care about someone, the love for them should come first. As I perform my daily hospital rounds with my medical students, interns and resident , I am reminded are those patients I see -loved by someone ? These unfortunate in-patients will be in the hospital on a Holiday. A Day of Giving. Am I giving to them by keeping them in the hospital ? I am caring for them, and treating them so the answer should be 'Yes' Yet, I am looking beyond that. I might discharge some of those patients, but only if I know they will have family and friends to spend the Day of Giving with. Some patients are fighting for their lives. Some have undergone major operations while others are receiving chemotherapy and radiation. A friend wrote the following about a patient , " you are demonstrating grace in the face of great stress, a sense of humor, even in the darkest times, and a deep fortitude that is quite frankly inexplicable and damn inspiring." My problems are luxurious and quite tiny compared to what I see and hear on a daily basis. I am grateful. These examples allow me to love more. I have a partner that understands that my life duties are beyond the normal ones. I see patients with courage in abundance.
Ernest Hemingway classic definition of courage is " Grace Under Pressure"
I am grateful for my Higher Power allowing me to witness ' grace under pressure' and allowing me to humbly participate in the care of these loving patients.

This is time where you should be thinking about the planet. As the year ends what has happened to disturb the eco-system of the planet. Plenty has happened. Natural disasters, and man-made disasters ( as oil spills )
I want to run away sometimes. Have you ever felt that way. ? As the world' soil crisis spirals out of control, many consumers are trying to help. If you want to take a break ---a vacation otherwise known as a holiday have you sever thought to go to a green environment. Rick and I tried to make Fire Island green. We did our part. We had to realize we a just one of the few that want change. A community has to change. We want to travel to places that are Green Globe 21. This is a world wide benchmarking and certification program for travel and tourism. These hotels and resorts are not everywhere. But those that are Green Globe 21 certified have met a certain number of environmental requirements. Those that are Green Globe 21 certified must be re-certified every year. This program encourages travelers to be environment conscious. We are trying to participate in such programs. I am not an expert. I am trying to be informed. If I am informed you can be informed. There are such eco-destinations. Google it and find out.
Rick and I will be exploring three (3) such destinations:
1. The Zion Lodge in Utah ( )
2. 3 Rivers in Dominica (
3. Canada (

It depends on the time of the year but option 1 and 2 are enticing. I want to see the diverse plants of Utah, but I want the paradise of the island Dominica.

I count ALL of you reading this in my many many blessings this Thanksgiving
Thank you

Until tomorrow...

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