Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dear Friends and Associates,

I WANTED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU. Since our we all share such a love of herbs, gardening, farming, and most importantly cooking, and eating. We all share beautiful healthily locally and self grown food from our own gardens. This Food Bill will seriously effect our access to healthy locally or self grown food as well as access to supplements.
I hope each of you will read the below and use the link to call and email your senators as the vote could be as early as Monday and no later than Friday.
Please pass this on to as many friends as possible Thank you for your support I hope this finds you all well.
Be your own health advocate. Please support

Urgent: Stop the misnamed “food safety bill“
The Food Safety Bill: S.510
Why should you care? Our access to buying organic locally grown food from farmers, farmers markets and growing food in our own backyards is at risk. Also at risk is our access to natural supplements. Yes I said NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS
Why you need to act immediately? Congress is voting this week, on the “The Food Safety Bill S.510” which will impact our ability to grow any food on our property as well as access to food grown by local farmers and access to healthy supplements.
This is urgent: Congress is voting on this bill this week so thje sooner you act , the better the chance to STOP IT> Currently this Bill is uncontested in Congress. Please email and call your Senator at least once if not daily or twice daily.Please click on the link below to register your objection to Bill S.510.

Take action! http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4613

Could you be affected ? Yes
How will we all be effected?

Home Gardens: If this bill is passed, the government can exercise control over what you grow in your backyard, in a container on your patio or on your fire escape. Your right to grow that tomato plant or that bunch of basil could be illegal. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of citizens.
Choice: If S.510 is passed, your food choices for what you purchase and where you buy your food will be limited by government enforced laws. Local farmers and growers, farm stands, farmer’s markets, and grocers will face the possibility of exorbitant certification fees that will limit their ability to exist. This bill will allow the government to regulate our produce and seed variety choices.
Seeds: Farmers, local growers and household gardeners will be forced to use government certified seeds, which will most likely be genetically modified seeds. The harvesting or gathering of non - government certified seeds would be illegal. This means goodbye to the growing, buying and selling of heirloom tomatoes or heritage varieties and most vegetables of any kind.
Food Supplements: The Food Safety Bill will place limitations and have a profound affect on food supplements. In affect, the government is intending to control natural food supplements by stipulating a grand total of 18 nutrients as fit for consumption in dietary supplements. This will seriously limit our access to health related natural supplements.

1. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510&tab=summary
2. http://www.healthfreedomusa.org
3. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Urgent--SB-510-Will-Allow-by-Lora-Chamberlain-100802-513.html


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