Sunday, November 7, 2010


" Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learned here." -unknown

Enjoy the movie...from Ithaca with Love Rick Byrd

Where is here ? On Earth. On this planet. We are all born with love. It depends how we wish to express this love is how we will get through life. About eight months ago I met a group of individuals whom I feel were born with a lot of love. These individuals range from ages 22 - 50. I am the 50 year old. We all have one thing in common. The love of nature, especially plants and herbs. The professor/mentor is a unique man. He is his own man with his own beliefs and ideals. Born on Long Island in what I believe is the year 1957,1958 or 1959 he has changed the community of their beliefs of herbs. We share 'Heart' for people, and we both did not like Richard Nixon. I didn't feel that way in March 1994 when I attended former President Nixon in the Emergency Room in March 1994. When I walked up the dirt, windy path some months ago I didn't know if I would stay for the semester, nor would have anything in common with my other classmates. I was wrong. I have grown fond of everyone in the class for their uniqueness in life. From mother of three, to mother of two, to landscaper, to farmer, to massage therapist, to Planned Parenthood , to self learned reader of herbs, and to other careers and endeavors I only wished I had done when I was younger I became enamoured. I dedicate this blog to them:
Sharon, Nikki, Jackie,Leah,Lauren, Christian, Laura, Phoebe, Adrian and Paula
Thank you all for these fascinating classes, talks and sharing.
To the director, 7song: Until we meet again may your Higher Power hold you in the palm of his hands for all the good work you have done.

Let's discuss your immune system. Our whole body is geared toward immunity. You must realize that all cells must grow and what stops from making cell grow? I believe individuals can indistinctly know when their own cells have gone bad. These are caled the NK cells OR cytotoxic cells.
It is helpful to simplify immunity in order to allow you to understand it better. Immunity tries to kill what is not supposed to be there. Today more than the last 80 years we have more autoimmune diseases. There are no or few autoimmune diseases in third world countries, but more in developed countries. What is an autoimmune disease? Examples are lupus, hashimoto's, rheumatoid arthritis et al.
I often wonder how we all respond to the world and the environment around you?
Do you often wonder why you are getting sick alot ? do you have a slow immune system?
It is important instead of treating the symptoms to look at the person and ask questions. Is the individual thin or dry? Is he/she retaining water? Also I have to look at the individuals stress level. We all have stress. Some stress is more difficult to handle than other types of stress. Is there stress with your family, your loved one, your occupation, your health or is it just life. Remember it is life on life's terms. Some people love stress. These are the drama stress individuals. Stress will increase a hormone called cortisol which will then interfere with your immunity.
All autoimmune diseases have flares and remissions. As a practitioner, I feel other health care practitioners always use autoimmune diseases as a default meaning when the doctor cannot find an answer to your problem.
The conventional medical treatment for immune disorders is to suppress the immune system. In the case of autoimmune diseases, your own immune system is attacking itself.
First have your doctor try to identify triggers. For example allergies, especially food.
Second there are always constitutional symptoms. For example headache, myalgia, insomnia
Third, have your alternative health care practitioner try:
a. Gentle Liver Herbs as Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Neetles, Milk Thistle
b. Anti-inflammatory herbs as curcumin (tumeric), ginger and willow
c. Use immuno modualting herbs--

You will have to log on tomorrow

Until tomorrow...
Cut and paste the movie above. I have the most loving, compassionate partner. Watch It !


  1. That was wonderful Patrick! It was a blessing to meet you and the rest of the class this year. Your care for others shines through and is easily absorbed like the Sun that you are! Radiant and magnetic! I hope you and Rick choose to take us up on our offer of horse rides, brunch and tea anytime in the upcoming year. I am happy to know that we both share the same quartz that I will keep on my alter and think of you and this class with love.
    cosmic explosions and heart pumps,

  2. Thanks Patrick for saying what I've been wanting to.. what an amazing experience it has been to attend this class and get to know you. I feel lucky that I get to keep up with your escapades through this blog. And I am certainly looking foward to any musings you will have in the coming months on the secret life of bees!
    thanks doc.

  3. Dr Fratellone, even though I saw you in the office today, i cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me, when i first met you i could not work, i had trouble walking because of the pain and stiffness and i dont want to even mention, but i will anyway, that the meds the other docs had me on were making me so sick i could not be away from a bathroom for more than an hour or 2 at the most on a good day, ( we will discuss that issue at another time) basically if the disease does not kill you the medicine will, but you saved me and i feel the need to spread your knowledge. God Bless you thank you, Lori
