Wednesday, November 3, 2010


“ By remaining accountable for our actions, WE become masters of our own destiny “ – Yehuda Berg

"We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life
so why shouldn't we be just as accountable in our work life."

Catherine Pulsifer

"We are accountable only to ourselves for what happens to us in our lives."
Mildred Newman

Accountability breeds response-ability."
Stephen R. Covey

These actions for which we are accountable are not limited to your work life, but also your personal life. You are responsible for everything you do in life. I am responsible for the lives of people. I take this very seriously. Regardless whether your occupation is dealing with other people or not, you should be accountable , if nothing else then for yourself. You are accountable to yourself no matter what. This you should take seriously. The last quote sums it all up.

For months I have discussed lifestyle changes, herbs/plants and various medical topics. The next step in healing is exercise. Exercise is essential. It stimulates the repair mechanisms of the body. Nutrition and dietary lifestyle changes nourish and lubricate the body. You have to start moving it. You will accomplish this by exercise. In the last decade much has been written about exercise. It is the second lifestyle change in MY pyramid. This is followed by addictions, meditation, self esteem, anger/resentment and self love. The remaining 5 lifestyle changes have been discussed throughout the blog, but I will focus on each of the remaining in later days. I believe everyone should exercise. It has been shown that 30 minutes of walking on a flat surface will decrease your cardiovascular mortality risk by 37%. The problem is that more than 50% of individuals do NOT exercise.
There are many types of exercise. Any type of exercise whether it is aerobic to walking to stretching offers key benefits. These benefits range from helping your eye to combating depression. The older you get, exercise lessens. This is party due to your vision, your coordination and a busy life. I believe exercises will restore your confidence and sense of safety as you continue your normal exercise routine. I have many patients whom still run marathons. Some of these individuals are above the age of 75. We rely on vision when we exercise. There have been studies to document that some individuals rely on other sense as smell, hearing and kinestetic sense. Kinestetic means the sensation of bodily positions, presence and movement resulting mainly from the stimulation of nerve endings. I find it amazing when someone can move through or run through a dark forest or a unlit road at night without any injury. I know this person ahs used other body senses that guide them. It is almost as if that person running through the forest is blind. Can you imagine running without hesitation if you are blind? Try moving about your surroundings blind folded. Feel , touch, and smell where you are .Start to develop a new relationship with your body. What do you feel when you are walking blindfolded? Are you anxious? Are you sad? Are you happy? Eliminate the sense of vision and try to use or learn to use your other senses.

Photo Credit: Rick Byrd - Suffolk, VA - his hometown

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I became a classically trained Pilates Instructor In 2000. It is a discipline much like martial arts. I was drawn to the mind body connection. When you are engaged in the movements you must have hyprfocus on what you are doing. Contrology...control, stretch, and strength are the core principles. Joseph Pilates said that you can be 30 and old if you do not have a flexible spine. But you can be 85 and young if you have a flexible spine. If you look outside your office windows you will see Drago's. It is across the street from your office. That is where I trained with Romana and Sari. It brings back so many great memories every time I come to see you. I too have a passion for pilates....thank you!
