Monday, November 15, 2010



How true is this statement. I have never thought of it this way but it makes sense. I do think I was the individual always drawing and not making any deposits. However, reflecting back I know many individuals in my life who were drawing on my bank account and not making any deposits. I know recognize that those individuals were never really my friends--only acquaintances or passing by at that time of my life. I allowed many to draw without deposits. I enabled this to happen. I played a role. I did not recognize it at that moment, but it did happen. And when I did recognize it I often many times overlooked it. This even happened with a former life partner and family. Did you ever get in a situation that you know is incorrect, but do not know the solution out of the problem ? Did you ever get into a relationship that you knew was over after 2 years but it lasted longer ? Did you ever not even get a thanks or how are you from a friend or family member? We all have had this happen ! If this has not happened to you , then you haven't even recognized it yet or do not wan t to see the truth which is painful. Life is painful. But it is life on life's terms.
Yesterday I did not blog - It is progress not perfection. I wanted to do something self- esteem able for me. I wanted to finish knitting myself a wool hat. And that I did !

Hopefully on the weekend you made your infused oils. Next weekend we will make salves from the infused oils.

Gastrointestinal health is a major concern. The "gut" is the basis of good health. If we have a clean gut we are healthy. I do not mean a clean large intestine or colon. I mean a clean small intestine. There are many ways to ensure good gut health. First is the dietary lifestyle change you must make. There must be less acidic foods ( as tomatoes, eggplants,peppers, high glycemic(sugar) fruits, less no no cow's dairy and less red meat. Your dietary lifestyle needs to be rich in fruit and vegetables of the season and low glycemic. Some low glycemic fruits include all the berries, apples, kiwi and pears. Your diet needs to be high in green leafy vegetables. This is beond the salad every day. There needs to be broccoli, kale, spinach and brussel sprouts. Add some cabbage.
You must fortify your GI ( gastrointestinal tract) which enhances the ability for nutrients from food and supplements to be optimally absorbed. If you do not have a healthy gut you will not have wellness in other areas of the body. This is called Leaky Gut Syndrome. There are many causes of leaky gut the most important being food all;ergies, especially wheat and dairy. the other causes are yeast, chronic infections and heavy metal intoxication in the body. The symptoms range from mild to severe. Severe symptoms include bloating, cramping, loose stools and flatulence ( gas). Other symptoms include abdominal pain, nervousness, depression, insomnia , foggy thinking, recurrent infections and even skin rashes. This is because the gut produces serotonin ( a happy neurotransmitter) which is sent to the brain. A leaky gut will have less erotonoin thus mood swings, anxiety and insomnia. Refer to March 2010 blogs about Anxiety and Your Gut, Insomnia and Your Gut and Focus and Your Gut.
I have found the combination of nutrients and botanical help soothe colonic irritation. I utilize the amino acid, L-glutamine as well as the good bacteria, also known as probiotics. Insufficient glutamine can present with atrophy, ulceration and necrosis of the colon lining. It is so important to take sufficient amounts of glutamine. Since absorption is a problem, the L-glutamine must be taken in powdered form
Other nutrients and botanicals I utilize are:
1. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice ( DGL)
2. Marshmellow leaf and root - in tincture 1/2 dropperful 2 x day
3. Meadowsweet leaf and root - in tincture 1/2 dropperful 2 x day
4. Berberine - many plants contain this yellow beneficial compound
5. Cabbage juice - fresh juicing
6. Phosphatidylcholine ( PC) powder or gel caps ( i prefer the powder mixed with the L-glutamine and probioitcs)

Diet is essential. Do not do all of the above herbs if you have no intention to change your dietary lifestyle. CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER ABOUT USE OF HERBS

Until tomorrow...

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