Monday, March 14, 2011


"It is YOU, not where you are or what you have that makes the difference."

If you decide to move to another area in the city, another state, or abroad to change your life--think again. What is it about you that must change? In sobriety, we call this a geographic. Geography does not change the problems. You may be avoiding the people, places and things that drive you 'nuts' but you will soon find new places and things that make you 'nuts'. Meaningful change happens within.

It also does not matter what you have in the way of finances, or 'things'. Did you ever know someone who had wealth and fortune and was also miserable? The wealthiest person is the healthiest person, not the richest. These individuals are rich in health - both physically and emotionally.

Is there anything about yourself that you would like to change? I became aware of many of my 'character defects' years ago. Do I still have them? Some I retain--but these defects are workable, and there are some I no longer possess. I am not perfect. I have progressed favorably over the years.

Make a list of your character defects. Pick one you would like to work on first.

Autoimmune thyroidits is called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It is an inflammatory disease of the thyroid in which the cells within the thyroid are gradually destroyed by your own antibodies. These antibodies that target specific tissues of the body are called autoantibodies. The two autoantibodies tested for the thyroid are thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin. These autoantibodies reduce the capacity for thyroxine and thyronine hormone production causing hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, constipation, hair thinning or hair loss and loss of outer third of eyebrows. You DO NOT have to have all these symptoms at one time to have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

Conventional Endocrinologists treat it by starting the patient on synthroid or levothyroxine.

The goal is to treat the production of thyroid antibodies. I feel levothyoixine (brand name synthroid) medical treatment is limited. You must regulate the immune function. Hashimoto's is related to the consumption of gluten (barley, rye , oats and wheat).

The medication is a band aid if you do not change your dietary lifestyle by omitting gluten from your diet. If you still have antibodies while on synthroid (levothyroxine) and following a dietary lifestyle--there is another way.

1. Check to see if you have excess metals either by a serum blood test or 6 hour provocative urine test. Metals, especially mercury has been shown to bind to the thyroid and cause shifts in thyroid hormone production.

2. Check out low dose naltrexone (LDN) and its use for autoimmune disorders

3. If you have Hashimoto's which is autoimmune, then there likely are other autoimmune diseases present that have yet to appear.

4. If you are on synthroid and you still have antibodies and consider these two options:
a. since the antibodies are binding to the synthroid, consider using additional thyroid either by the addition of a natural thyroid or adding a product called thyrotropin (glandular extract from Standard Process)
b. since the anitbodies are binding to the synthroid, consider using herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies:

1. Rehmannia Root has anti inflammatory activity with immune mediating effects. It is sometimes called Chinese foxglove. I have used this herb to regulate female menstrual flow and for viral hepatitis.

2. Echinacea - the best herb for immune modulating effects. The first herb anyone should start if never on herbs.

3. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) is an adaptogen; it will increase thyroid hormone levels. Sometimes called Indian ginseng. There are two other adaptogens also used for Hashimoto's: Siberian ginseng (Eleuthrococcus) and Centella (Gotu kola). There are many other benefits to Withania such as reducing anxiety, improving diabetes, arthritis, muscle weakness and much more.

4. Hypericum (St. Johns Wort) is used as an additive herb to the above. It is a great boost to the immune system and it is active against the enveloped viruses such as Herpes, Cytomegalo, Epstein Barr virus.

5. Seaweed (Bladderwrack) - contains large amounts of iodine which will stimulate the thyroid.


There are other treatment options for Hashimoto's that you can discuss with your doctor. Increasing your own knowledge of this thyroid condition can not only educate yourself, but your own doctor as well if you discuss it with her/him.

Top photograph: Withania

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Generally, untreated thryoid disease can lead to thyroid disease. However, these complications are reversible with appropriate treatment.

