Monday, March 21, 2011


“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Remember there is no perfection, only progress. Look beyond your own imperfections before you start taking another's inventory. Look at your own house or your personal inventory. Since I believe there is no perfection, why search for it? Everyone has imperfections...or their own little quirks. What are your 'quirks'? Do you leave the toothpaste open at the bathroom sink? I do, but I am trying. Do you leave the toilet seat cover up or down after use? Do you arrange your socks by color in the drawer and your dress shirts by designer? These are just a few, and quite benign. The serious imperfections relate to honesty, love and trust. To work on your own imperfections first you must be aware of them. Then you must acknowledge them. The third and the most important step is to accept your imperfections. Own up to them. Then try to the best of your ability to change them.

Let's be honest - antibiotics have done wonders for many diseases. They may not have eradicated diseases but countless lives have been saved. In my opinion, antibiotics are over prescribed for conditions that will not improve. When it comes to treating children, there are parent expectations that the doctor should definitely prescribe an antibiotic. I would be the first to say that if a patient has a blood borne infection then antibiotics are the only way to go. If a child has a presumed viral infection, then why do physicians prescribe an antibiotic? Yes, it is expectations, but also doctors want to avoid a possible legal action if not prescribed. The safer thing to do is prescribe. As physicians we are ruled by three major factors. One, the insurance companies, two, the pharmaceutical companies and three, the fear of a lawsuit. This is enough for many physicians to change their profession. What happened to the medical profession?

Is there a role for herbs in treating infections? Herbs provide many other benefits in addition to their antimicrobial action. Herbs are less expensive than pharmaceutical medications. Herbs may be superior but we will never know. I doubt you will ever see a double blind trial of an herb versus an antibiotic. Who would sponsor this trial? I do not think a pharmaceutical company would sponsor such a trial. Herbal supplement manufacturers do not have the financial means to sponsor a trial. For the most part, herbal antibiotics are relatively safe, but I would not start the herbal agent and medicine together. I would consult a knowledgeable health care practitioner.

There are some diseases or conditions that could be treated with herbs. An example is Acne. Acne is often treated with long term topical or oral antibiotics. Long term use can severely alter the normal flora throughout the colon causing gastric disturbances and build up of yeast within the colon. Because increased oil production seems to be at the heart of the bacterial growth causing acne, keeping the face clean and free of oil is important.

Some tips and suggestions:

1. Role of diet and acne; check food allergies.

2. Consider adding supplements that help the skin such as Vitamin A, E, C and B6.

3. Alkaline soap removes the natural protective layer acid layer. If you use an alkaline soap reduce the pH of the face by using a toner after.

4. Tea tree oil has significant antiseptic and disinfectant properties.

5. The best oils for oily skin are

a. Clary sage (Salvia scarea)

b. Lavender (Lavendula)

c. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

d. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

e. Yarrow (Archillea millefolium)

I highly suggest you check out

Until tomorrow...

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