Sunday, March 20, 2011

MARCH 23, 2011 OTC, OTC, OTC

"Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee." - Montaigne

"You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present." - Jan Glidewell

"Waste not fresh tears over old griefs." - Euripides

These three quotes coupled with "A Day at A Time" are my mantras for living in the present. This is why I do NOT clutch the past so tightly to my chest. I look back with a parting glance. I remember all the past- some with sadness and some with joy and happiness. Life is too short. I want to get the most out of life TODAY--NOT for the PAST, nor for the FUTURE TOMORROWS.

When someone celebrates their 5th sober anniversary they say that he/she "gets their brains back". I am so delighted that my addictions did not disturb my mental capacity to remember, process and adjust my thoughts. I am fortunate I had the fellowship of the 12 step program and my sponsor to rely on for answers. I wouldn't be here today if not for all of them. I followed suggestions. I was told not to beat myself up about the past. I had to remember, reflect and make amends. I did that including financial amends. Euripidis, ancient scholar, stated it simply: "Waste not fresh tears over old griefs". What purpose would that serve anyway? Think about the time wasted with those fresh tears. He really means Letting Go of the past.

We all at one time in our lives have used an OTC (OVER THE COUNTER) drug. If you haven't then you are definitely in the minority. Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs can interfere with many conventional drugs. If you look at the packages you know that because there are warning labels on most of them to consult your physician if you have high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Two giants in the field of Alternative Medicine (now called Integrative Medicine) are Drs. Mercola and Galland. Recently Dr. Mercola posted a reply to this article by Dr. Leo Galland about OTC drugs.

There has been speculation that many of the OTC's cause memory loss and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), both of which are associated with Alzheimer's Disease. Common OTC drugs such as antihistamines, cold medicines, anti-acid medications and others can disrupt the activity of an important brain neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine (ACh). ACh plays a vital role in memory and cognitive function.

The list of these OTC drugs with anti-cholinergic effects is long according to Mercola and Galland. There is a cumulative effect to the brain, memory and cognitive abilities. The classes of drugs that are anti-cholinergic include Antispasmotics (examples: donnatal, bentyl), Antihistamines (examples: OTC's Contac, bendryl, Chlortimeton, Tavist, Claritin, Clarinex, Unisom, Dramamine and Antivert), Antipsychotics (examples: thorazine), Antiparkinsonian (examples: Symmetrel, Cogentin), Antacids (examples: Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac - all available OTC now), and Antibioitcs (examples: keflex, amoxocillin, lomotil, lavaquin and many more). There are also the antiemetics, muscle relaxants, and anti-colinergic eye drops .

The most common OTC's you might take involve the antihistamines and antacids.

In the article referenced above, Dr Leo Galland said, "...that most physicians and other health care professionals are unaware of the anti-cholinergic properties of these medications."

I do agree with him. I also agree that there are too many potentially dangerous OTC's. ACh is responsible for many important communications in your body. If you are feeling stuffy, find an alternative answer. There are sublingual homeopathic remedies, the Netti Pot, and herbs like stinging nettles for your sinuses. If you have an upset stomach, think twice before grabbing the Pepcid. Find the herbal way- ginger, meadowsweet, marshmellow, catnip and aloe.

If you want to enhance your own acetylcholine levels, take the supplement choline (1- 3 grams or 1000-3000 mg/day). In addition you can take vitamin B5 in doses of (500-2000 mg). Both will allow your own body to produce more ACh.

Think twice, and then again before taking an OVER THE COUNTER medication.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. During my youth I was overmedicated, with intolerance to medications, foods or chemicals. Around age 40 I decided to try a natural thyroid product to treat my hypothyroidism, so I decided to initiate treatment of thyroid health supplements . It's the best decision I could make. Ever since I took it I feel much more energy and my weight is now lower than before.
