Thursday, March 3, 2011


"After ninety, there is no need to worry about dying. Not many people die over the age of ninety." - George Burns

A clever quote. However, today with more medical technology more individuals are reaching the age of 90 and over. At least 15% of my patients are older than 9o. Last year three of my patients turned 100. Yes, they got Willard Scott to announce their birthday's on television (Smucker's is the sponsor) and President Obama sent them a letter from the White House. Every one of those patients have used supplements/vitamins/herbs for more than 40 years. Mary M, a patient now living in Florida celebrated her 103rd birthday last month. George Burns and Bob Hope reached 100. Today, many of Hollywood Royalty are more than 90 years old. Some are Kirk Douglas, Luise Rainer (100), sisters Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Haviland, Louis Jourdan, Ernest Borgnine, and Zsa Zsa Gabor. This year we lost Jack LaLane, Lena Horne and June Havoc.

Longevity can be achieved through nutrition, exercise and supplements/herbs/vitamins.

"The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable...We now realize that some aspects of it can be prevented or reversed"
-Daniel Rudman MD (NEJM)

The FDA has approved the use of human growth hormone, but its use is limited. There are some physicians who use growth hormone in their practice regularly. I do not mean using the precursors, but injectable growth hormone. I am not one of those physicians. There are many reasons why, but equally there are reasons why not to use it. I am not here to guide but to tell you the benefits of growth hormone. You decide after the data is presented.

There are studies published in such reputable journals as the New England Journal of Medicine indicating that hGH (human growth hormone) may reverse the human biological aging process. It does this by:

1. Restoring muscle mass

2. Decreasing body fat

3. Reducing wrinkles

4. Restoring lost hair

5. Increasing energy

6. Increasing sexual function

7. Improving cholesterol function, especially HDL (the good cholesterol)

8. Improving vision

9. Improving memory

10. Elevating mood

11. Improving sleep

12. Normalizing blood pressure

13. Improving immune function

14. Assisting with wound healing

15. Restoring size of organs that normally shrink with the aging process

By the time physicians like Dr. Rudman started to work with hGH much was known already because of its use for children who had growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone is made in the anterior pituitary. The pituitary is called the Master Gland of the Body. It is located within the brain. hGH is used for patients who have muscle wasting due to AIDS. It increases the uptake of amino acids. I feel we need to restore growth hormone to physiological levels in order to maximize its effectiveness. If it is not possible financially or legally, or if it is not medically sound to use injectable hGH, then research must be done to find more precursors (also known as secretagogues) for hGH. Research has been done and there are many precursors to growth hormone on the shelves. Which one should you take? I cannot answer this as each company that produces a precursor has its own research and bias. More research needs to be done.

I do know that certain supplements have shown to have a regulatory effect on insulin thereby enhancing or increasing growth hormone. It also comes back to INSULIN. One of these supplements I use regularly is chromium picolinate. Another trace mineral that has an insulin mimicking effect is vanadium or vandly sulfate. Both assist in the utilization of sugar uptake. Both of the above are minerals. An herb, gymnema silvestre assists in glucose control. I have formulated Glucostable for maintaining sugar levels. All three will help with growth hormone. Are there side effects of injectable hGH? Of course there are. Some of these side effects are increased risk of cancer, hypotension (low blood pressure), congestive heart failure (CHF), high and low blood sugar levels, gynecomastia, gastrointestinal disturbances, and fluid retention. There can also be interaction with other hormones including estrogen and progesterone.

Since the 1980's there is an abundance of hGH research. Read carefully, be proactive, be informed and also consult your health care practitioner.

Top to bottom photographs: Louis Jordan, Olivia de Haviland, Joan Fontaine and the late great George Burns

Until tomorrow...

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