Friday, March 25, 2011


"Practice means not continuing to strengthen the habitual patterns that keep us trapped."

We all need to practice at our life especially our lifestyle changes so we DO NOT continue our bad habits. Our bad habits aka unhealthy lifestyles keep us trapped. If you are continually making the same mistakes over and over again, then something needs to be done. First of all you must realize that mistakes are being made. Sometimes you just do not know. You may benefit from another's perception of your situation.

The saying is that practice makes perfect. Remember as I have stated before there is no perfection, only progress. Any practice at a good lifestyle will lead to a better lifestyle. I practice my knitting to get better at my knits and purls. I do knitting because I enjoy the meditative process and sitting quietly. You might exercise to get better. Give it a try for a few days. Practice exercise so you do not repeat the bad habit of not exercising...

Beyond your wildest dreams is a phrase I heard in the 12 step rooms. It is true that life changes beyond your wildest dreams if you work a program. As much as things have changed and dreams have happened, these dreams or promises can also be taken away. In sobriety some of the promises did happen for me and then quickly disappeared. I always got 'back on the horse' and started again. I have dreamed to one day work with plants and herbs to heal individuals. I want to one day work in conjunction with Mother Nature. In the last few years I have studied, research and educated myself and patients about healing with plants. I have always admired those who have this innate gift of healing. I have had help along the way. I have some of the best mentors in the field. I also have one driving force who believes in me. He is beyond reproach and almost beyond comprehension. He inspires me to be best I can be. He has faith, trust, love and belief in me for who I am. His name is Rick.

With the advice of teachers I applied to obtain my degree in Herbology as a registered herbalist (RH) with the American Herbal Guild (AHG). Yesterday, the AHG conferred the title of RH to Patrick Fratellone MD. I was overwhelmed as I told Rick when I received the email. With tears in my eyes, I hugged him tight. I am grateful to G.O.D. for allowing me to continue in my G.O.D. chosen profession. I trust I will be led to continue to help individuals with the use of plants. Never give up a dream. Without expectations you sometimes get surprised.

In the last few months I have seen many patients with a diagnosis of cancer. 60% of those cancers were diagnosed in our office. We are still fighting the war on cancer. When someone hears that they have the "C' word, many thoughts go though their mind. It is still whispered as written in Neil Simon's play " Lost in Yonkers". This is certainly understandable. Many people seek other treatments for their cancer. These other treatments vary from herbs, intravenous therapies, meditation, yoga, energy medicine and even other forms of chemotherapy given in other countries. Many of the patients who go to foreign clinics, especially in Tijuana Mexico have received a biopsy proven diagnosis of cancer in the United States. The majority would go to Mexico after all therapies are exhausted in the US. Most after they are told, "there is nothing else we can do at this time."

I do not think there is a 100% treatment with complete recovery for any cancer, excluding Hodgkin's lymphoma. We have excellent cancer centers and treatments available in the United States. I feel any oncologist should discuss at length the treatment available in the US, as well as treatments available in other countries. Patients today are savvy, well informed and well educated. If the actual patient is not, often there is someone in the family who has heard of other therapies. New research on conventional medications is published daily, and there are new herbal treatments for cancers as well. The problem is that not many people hear of the other therapies from their own doctors. Remember, "Anything Worth Learning is Self-Taught."

I do not know what I would do if I were diagnosed with cancer. It depends on the type, but I do know that I would utilize every resource I have for other treatments available. I do know that a change in dietary lifestyle plays an important role. If I didn't meditate already, I would start at that time.

I do not like the general characterizations of other types of treatment for cancer made by other health care professionals and the general public. First of all, if a health professional does not know about these treatments or has not visited the clinics offering treatments, no comments should be made. It is better to state, I am unaware....but I will research this treatment. Many times I learn from patients that other health care professionals use the terms 'quackery', 'fake doctors', etc. People must realize there are many treatments for many diseases that were not taught in medical school, residency or fellowship. I have witnessed successful treatment for various diseases in the jungle, forest, and other countries. What did people do before there were compounded synthesized medications? We relied on Mother Earth and her gifts of plants, herbs and flowers.

There are many authorities on other types of cancer treatments. One of the foremost authorities is Ralph Moss, PhD. Dr Moss is the former science writer for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He has written thirteen books on various cancer topics. For the last 35 years he has investigated cancer treatment options. I highly encourage visiting his website, Read the Moss Report.

Until tomorrow...

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