Monday, March 7, 2011



Peace and serenity--two beautiful words. How do you achieve peace and serenity? I do it in the morning with meditation and prayer. I do it while on the subway, bus or tram while engaging with my hobbies. Usually knitting on circular needles or needlepoint on a loop. The ability to be calm in the face of conflict is very helpful in life. But why does there have to be conflict? Who are you in conflict with? Is the conflict within yourself? I sometimes see individuals who have fear of success and fear of failure. I do not think there will be calm in the face of that conflict. I try to avoid conflict. I always avoided physical fighting. I can recall only one fist fight when I was younger. If I had a conflict I usually handled it with a quick wit that could be vicious. I could hurt with words. Today I would rather be kind and pray for those who do harm to me. Sometimes I am cordial and walk away. Sometimes it is difficult. I try to the best of my ability. I do not want to be aggressive nor do I want to be passive. I am assertive.

I have always talked about eating fruit. There are many varieties with glowing vibrant colors and delectable flavors. The real question is, what is the correct portion? I know many patients who eat well but have difficulty with portion control. Is it because the individual did not eat breakfast or lunch, and tripled the portion at dinner? Was the portion too much for the hour of the night ?

It is always better to eat fruit that is fresh, organic (if possible) and in season. I believe it is better to eat fruits that are in season and eat all colors of the rainbow. There are many different benefits of eating fruit.

First of all, fruit provides soluble fiber in the form of pectin. Pectin aids in digestion and is a liver detoxifier. Many fruits contain antioxidants, phytochemicals and beta carotene. The antioxidants in fruits do ease the discomfort of arthritis. Fruits that are better for an anti inflammatory dietary lifestyle include apples, pears, all berries and kiwi. These fruits have a lower glycemic index and are higher in antioxidants. Other fruits that are higher in glycemic index have less antioxidants. These include grapes, watermelons, bananas, mango and pineapple. These fruits are also excellent but if you have an unstable blood sugar you need to limit their portions. Again it comes back to portion control.


If you eat fruit on an empty stomach it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities

Although Bob Atkins was my mentor, friend and 'father image' in medicine we did argue about the no fruit rule on the Induction phase of the Atkins Diet. Today, there has been a shift in thinking at the Atkins Foundation. The South Beach diet, the zone, sugar busters et al are all derivatives of the low carbohydrate lifestyle. The late Robert Atkins has not been on earth for nearly eight years. I am sure he is smiling from above at some of the validation his lifestyle has achieved. Strawberries cleanse the skin and now a new study suggests cutting a strawberry in half and rubbing it on your teeth to whiten them. Figs have a laxative effect but they are high in sugar.

The important concept is eat in moderation. What is a portion? Some Registered Dietitians suggest five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

Examples of a portion of fruit:

1. one medium apple, banana or orange (beware of high sugar content)

2. a wine glass of fresh fruit juice - I do not recommend this, but do recommend a wine glass of fresh berries instead

3. One slice of any type of melon - I recommend honeydew as cantaloupe has an increased amount of yeast

4. Two plums or kiwi - eat the one that is in season

5. About 4 oz or one cup of berries

You know your body. Eat smart. Eat smaller meals and snacks between meals. If you need portion control, start to weigh your food. Keep a diary of all foods.


I love apples. I encourage you to read the first chapter of Michael Pollan's book, The Botany of Desire and learn about apples.

Until tomorrow..

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