Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I was taught this...When I am feeling depressed I repeat to myself the following statements:

"Pain is the touchstone of progress...Fear no evil...This too shall pass...This experience can be turned to benefit. " -from The Grapevine March 1962

I always use 'this too shall pass' especially when in a bad space or 'stuck in my mind'. Sometimes I get caught in my head--the people, places, and circumstances are swirling. I always describe this to patients like this...If a female patient, I say, "Picture yourself as Grace Kelly in 'Rear Window' (the 1954 suspense thriller with director Alfred Hitchcock) with your costar, James Stewart. You are both viewing all the apartments from your window. All of those apartment windows are the people in your mind." You have to be a movie buff to appreciate this scene.

We all dream. Sometimes we remember them and sometimes not. There is a plant, Brugmansia aurea that grows in South America. It is commonly called the Angel's trumpet or Tree Dutura. There are six to seven species but due to its beauty it is now found in all tropical and subtropical places. If I had a green house I would grow angel's trumpet. Since I am sober I have developed an affinity to reading about the plants that induce love. In reality I am interested in the aphrodisiacs. That reminds me of a line from the movie/play Gypsy when the famous stripper, Gypsy Rose Lee is talking to the audience. I guess you have to be a movie buff again.

These species rarely grow fruits so they can only be propagated as cuttings. At night these beautiful trumpets exude a very sweet captivating scent that can induce erotic dreams. It is a well known Indian medicinal plant used by shamans. It is described as a hallucinogen.

It can also be smoked from the dry leaves. The active ingredient in this plant is the tropane alkaloids.

Do you grow these in your green house?

Until tomorrow...

Monday, August 29, 2011


"God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say, "I love you God" is to live life doing your best. The best way to say, "Thank you God," is by letting go of the past and living in the present moment, right here and now. Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now." - Don Miguel Ruiz

This statement is by Shaman Don Miguel Ruiz . It comes from his heart. I am passing this on to you from my heart. I want you to pass it on to someone else. Have a blessed day.

Did you ever look at your own tongue? One of the first things I learned as a medical student was to ask a patient to stick out their tongue while placing a wooden blade on their tongue down so I could see their uvula, tonsils, and pharynx. I never liked looking at the tongue. Some were red, others were coated with their last meal, some have a white coating and some have ridges. The tongue assists in chewing, swallowing and speaking. The small projections on the tongue are called papillae. Between the papillae are the taste buds.

I have found that conventional physicians know little about the tongue. Over the years I have learned about the 'mysterious tongue'. Traditional Chinese practitioners are the best health care practitioners for tongue diagnosis. They specialize in acupuncture and botanical medicine. Dentists also observe the tongue. There are even a few books on tongue diagnosis. A simple one is by Victor Zeines, DDS.

In traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tongue diagnosis is part of every exam. These practitioners use the terms "chi" (pronounced chee), yin and yang. TCM practitioners believe disease is caused by "six excesses" and "seven emotions". I have not mastered TCM at this point in my career. I feel it is a complex field that takes time, dedication and patience. But when I view a patient's tongue I can get a feel for what is going on in their body.

For example I saw a tongue today that had a thick non removable whitish covering. It was not the typical yeast infection on the tongue called Candida. If not caused by Candida the whitish tongue can be caused by parasites, anemia, malnourishment or kidney disorders. In this patient I know it is the body releasing toxins. I also see this type of tongue in patients with unbalanced hormones or adrenal fatigue.

Think of the variety of colors of the tongue:

1. Pale

2. Gray or brownish-gray

3. Slightly red

4. Crimson red

5. Yellowish-greenish

6. Purple

7. Black

The coating of the tongue can also be varied. No one said Tongue Diagnosis would be easy.

As a registered herbalist I do have favorite herbs for improving and maintaining digestion. Some of these are marshmellow, catnip, golden seal, comfrey root, pepperment and my favorite, angelica. Oh yes I forgot meadowsweet and slippery elm.

I would suggest reading Your Tongue Never Lies by Victor Zeines, DDS. To purchase a copy, visit

Until tomorrow...


"Whatever life takes away from you, let it go." - Don Miguel Ruiz

It is very difficult for me to accept this idea. It is easier said than done. It took me years to accept that life took away my mother. I couldn't understand why. For years I blamed myself as I was there with my father performing CPR. I told myself it was not my fault, but that June 5, 1982 Friday evening haunted me for decades. Today I realize it was not my fault. I have learned by meditating and praying to let things go. I have seen many people unable to let things go and the affect it has on their lives.

Today I was talking to a patient named Tobias. He is full of vigor and strength, yet he has been through the worst of times, especially during WW II. He makes a statement in Hebrew that translates to, "God, I am alive." He states, "Life is a way of imbalance and balance." I love Tobias. He makes me feel so good. I have helped him medically and his statements have helped me psychologically. As we said goodbye, I hugged him and said thank you. He said, "Play your own dance, and play your own life."

If you have never read Don Miguel Ruiz's work, I suggest you do. He is a Mexian author, teacher and shaman born in 1952. He is best known for the book, The Four Agreements. This book is about finding one's own integrity, self love and peace. The four agreements are:

1. Be Impeccable with Your Word

2. Don't take anything personally

3. Don't Make Assumptions

4. Always Do Your Best.

I have a dream - to one day meet Don Miguel Ruiz. His work has always inspired me. The Fifth Agreement is a sequel where the fifth agreement is

5. Be Skeptical but Learn to Listen.

I know there are some who think physicians are rich, drive a BMW, Jaguar or Mercedes, have three houses etc. Lets put that to rest as reimbursement is not what it used to be, and the hours get longer every year. What we do get every single day is frustration and stress.

As an integrative physician I treat a variety of illnesses. One of those illnesses is cancer. I write about herbs that can support and/or treat cancers. I refer patients to institutions in Germany and Italy. I recommend blood tests to identify specific chemotherapy. Today, a dear friend brought information on the A.P. John institute for cancer research. I admire patients who are their own health advocates. This Institute was founded in 1978 by Angelo P. John. It is a non profit organization. Dr John specializes in molecular biology has devoted his whole career to cancer research. For More than twenty years he has focused his life on the role of amino acids in the cancer cell. He identified differences between a cancer cell and a normal cells. He used this differentiation to determine how amino acids in the cancer cells could be altered or eliminated causing the death of the cancer cell. His program, CAAT is an amino acid and carbohydrate deprivation protocol using scientifically formulated amino acids. Many other well known physicians at Johns Hopkins University are utilizing this protocol and have helped determine some supplements that are needed for it. It does not interfere with conventional therapies but only complements and enhances their effectiveness.

This is exactly my philosophy. We must use other modalities if we are to beat cancer. It is depressing when I must tell a patient that he/she has cancer. Then I must discuss the options. At this point I discuss every single option that is available, not only including and limited to chemotherapy. I know if I had had cancer I would not settle for just one opinion. I would have many opinions and would follow through with a physician who is open minded and not critical of integrative therapies.

I admire the A.P. John Institute website ( I highly encourage you to read about other therapies whether you have cancer or not. Open your eyes, widen your scope... Be informed.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, August 28, 2011


"Courage is knowing what not to fear." - Plato

Even centuries ago, Plato had it right. What do you fear? Do you have any courage left in your body? I used to fear everything. I used to fear the thought of dying. Now I do not. I even welcome it because each of us one day will die. I am prepared. I used to fear that I was not a good father. Probably this fear could be detected by my children when they were small. Yet today I know I was the best father I could be at that time in my life. I have courage today. Mainly my courage has come from the courage of my patients. I have seen courage beyond my wildest dreams. I have seen men and women struggle with cancer, and I have seen men and women who have accept their cancer and do the best they can do. Those inflicted with any illness sometimes show the courage beyond reproach. They have courage and know what not to fear. There is acceptance. I have acceptance today in areas I never thought I would have. It took prayer and meditation. I an a very grateful man.

Oh, HB Alexandria/Alyssa, the eldest and most beautiful

So you woke up very sore. Do you have tired muscles? It is so easy to take the OTC anti-inflammatory drugs like advil, alleve, motrin, excedrin etc. There are serum markers for inflammation such as sed rate (ESR), IL-6 , CRP and TNF (tumor necrosis factor). In cardiology we also have the HS-CRP or high sensitive CRP. The most common anti inflammatory agent used are omega 3 fatty acids or fish oils.

The omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for the proper function and structure of multiple body systems. These include EPA and DHA which can be obtained from oils derived from salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies. There is extensive data on their anti-inflammatory effects. They both inhibit the pro-inflammatory compounds. Studies indicate there is an inverse relationship between omega 3 levels and CRP. The higher the omega 3 the lower the CRP. Here is another important inverse relationship: the TG (triglyceride) and HDL (good cholesterol). The higher the intake of carbohydrates, the higher the TG and the lower the HDL. To have a higher good cholesterol (HDL), you must consume less refined carbohydrates.

You might ask, "How much fish oil should I take?" The answer is never the same as I believe in individuality. I usually prescribe somewhere between 2 grams to 10 grams., The usual dose is 4 grams or 4,000mg. In the case of cardiovascular disease I always prescribe more especially in the ratio of EPA to DHA.

If you do not eat fish or are afraid to eat fish due to mercury and arsenic, then take fish oils from Nordic Naturals, Longevity, or Life Extension. If you want quality fish which tastes so much better than you are used to go to

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, August 27, 2011


"Health is not valued until sickness comes." --Thomas Fuller MD 1732

Even though Thomas Fuller stated this more than 250 years ago, it is perhaps more true today. Do you value your health? Most people I know do not worry about their health until illness sets in. Those that eat sugar do not worry about its effect until they are diagnosed as pre-diabetic. The same can be said about other addictions. I do believe everyone should begin to have blood work done in their 30's and sometimes earlier depending on family history. I believe for one week you should write down everything you eat. You might be surprised! I believe that every person at one time in their life should see a therapist. I have many other personal opinions. One, if you know me well enough, is to do a hobby. I can't express to you enough that a hobby is to help boost your self esteem.

Value your health!!!

Fiber is important in any dietary lifestyle. Fiber is NOT present in animal food. It is only contained in plant food. If you ever tried the Induction Phase of the Atkins Diet, you only eat meat, minimal grams of carbohydrates and no fruit and vegetables. This will certainly NOT give you fiber in the diet.

The definition of fiber is the indigestible part of food that helps move it through the GI tract. The jury is still out on fiber as it is with Vitamin E and D. Do not ever try a low fiber diet as you will not be able to pass the fecal waste though the colon. Thus it would get more concentrated and remain in the body longer. This will surely lead to constipation. I feel physicians see far too many individuals, mainly older patients-- with constipation. No one has ever told them about fiber.

There are many studies to show that lack of fiber can lead to many medical diseases you have heard of. Diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, gall bladder issues, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. The Far East has far less problems related to lack of dietary fiber. Perhaps we should learn from that patient population. Too many refined carbohydrate foods are a major cause leading to fiber deficiency is our diets. Stop shopping in the center of the grocery stores-- instead shop on the periphery where the fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy are located. If you are lactose intolerant or cow dairy sensitive-shop for the goat and sheep milk products.

There are three major deficiencies I see in a vegetarian diet due to the lack of animal protein: iron, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acids. If you are a vegetarian who eats fish then you certainly get the omega fatty acids and probably some mercury/arsenic depending on what fish you are eating. There are many research papers detailing that omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help lower chronic diseases as autoimmune, cardiac and brain. We all need omega 3 fatty acids for cognitive memory and brain performance. To me iron is a given-- if you do not eat meat and you are low in iron. You must supplement but be careful not to take too much.

B12 is found in may meats also. It is not found in high concentrations in plants. I also do B12 levels as well as Iron levels when seeing a patient who is vegetarian. I get lots of tips from true vegetarians about different foods. This is always interesting to me. Both miso and tempeh are the vegetarians sources of B12.

After all this vegetarian talk, I might consider slowly becoming a vegetarian but I couldn't give up my fish. What is a man to do?

Until tomorrow...

Friday, August 26, 2011


- Les Brown

Does someone else's opinion of you really count? Why do we regard other's opinions as the gospel truth? Who cares what others think? I used to care what others thought of me. I wanted to be liked and accepted. Today I listen to what others might say, but I do as I want. For those who are real friends, I will attentively listen what he/she has to say. I will openly discuss what I feel and think, but ultimately I will have to be comfortable. I do not make it my reality. My reality is only mine. The real question is what you think of yourself!

I feel vegetarians always get a bad rap. Most carnivores have little good to say about a vegetarian diet. Carnivores always say that a vegetarian diet does not provide the sufficient amounts of protein and other essential minerals. This simply is NOT true. Vegetarian foods do contain amino acids (also found in meats). If you consume a wide variety of plant based food you will be just fine. You must consume whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and sprouts to get the protein you need. So you do not have to eat meat.

We must respect all types of eaters. Those who make unkind remarks to vegetarians are either ignorant or not well informed. This comes from someone who is NOT a vegetarian. I lean towards vegetarianism, but love quality eggs and fish. I do know that vegetarians eat more carbohydrates. This IS A PROBLEM. During my college and medical school years I was a vegetarian. I did eat more carbohydrates at that time in my life. It used to drive my family crazy that I would not eat meat.

Which contains more calcium - a cup of milk or a 1/4 cup of sesame seeds? The sesame seeds contain almost double the amount of calcium (580 mg compared to 288 mg respectively). The question is if cow's milk is healthy! Many Americans have a sensitivity or allergy to cow's dairy.

It always comes back to the plants! Plant foods contain a wide variety of phytochemicals that act to prevent free radical damage. Lignans found in plants act as phytoestrogens. They are estrogen like and can protect you against a variety of cancers. Research reveals that sesame seed lignans enhance the antioxidant effect of Vitamin E. I think this is important since Vitamin E is another topic that has a bad rap. The lignans in sesame seeds have been shown to protect against liver disease, heart disease and cancer in a variety of research studies.

I admire vegetarians who are really knowledgeable. There is always is a good discussion regarding soy protein. I love eating the many cruciferous vegetables whether or not I am a true vegetarian. These cruciferous vegetables should be part of every dietary lifestyle. These include kale, broccoli, wild broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, mustard greens , turnip root and so much more. Start to eat those cruciferous greens. Even though radishes, watercress and garden cress are not in the cruciferous family eat these too!

What is about the cruciferous vegetables that makes them beneficial? They have all vitamins , minerals and also contain fiber. You need to break the cell wall to release the essential compound glucosolinate.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



I wish I had said this quote. We all should mind our own business, not someone else's. Can you mind you own business? Do you have a tendency to meddle in others' affairs? Are you addicted to drama? Perhaps finding a hobby to boost your own self esteem would help you refrain from drifting off into watching others instead of yourself.

Take care of your 'own house' first.

CARING FOR HOUSE PLANTS can be as complicated as taking care of a pet or even a child. You first have to decide which cultivated plant you want to grow. There are 5 categories that I consider. I have done orchids. I love orchids and after attending the New York Orchid Society meetings I have much success with the common as well as the uncommon species. The family, Orchidaceae is one of the largest plant families. I believe the next might be the Lily family. There are more than 24,000 species. I would start with the simple elephant ear, Phalenopsis. I love white, or light pink.

Another exotic houseplant that takes dedication, time, and patience are bonsai. Bonsai is usually a tree that has been intentionally kept small by root and crown pruning. I find it so interesting that these small plants have the same genes as their life sized counterpart. You need the right light and right amount of water. I have tried to cultivate bonsai. A friend, John in Rhode Island is a well known bonsai grower. He loves his plants, and as a true cultivator has been to Japan and attends Bonsai meetings. I have not been that fortunate in this endeavour.

Bonsai originated in the Tang Dynasty (from 618 - 907 C.E.) in China. Yes China. It was brought to Japan during the Heian era (800-1200 C.E.). The first time the West was introduced to Bonsai was during the Paris Exhibition in 1878. I have always been interested in World's Fairs. The third World's Fair in Paris in 1878 was called Exposition Universelle. As with the New York World's Fair of 1939, this Paris 1878 fair introduced many inventions. Alexander Graham Bell's telephone was on display and well as the completed head of the State of Liberty (later to be sent to the United States for the New York Harbor) Thomas Edison even displayed his megaphone and phonograph.

One group of plants I loved as a child was the carnivorous plants. These plants derive much of their nutrition from consuming animals, usually in the form of insects. Did you ever have a Venus Fly Trap? Other insect eating plants (not Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors) are the sundew and pitcher plants. I will start growing one once I find a source.

The most common house plants may be African violets. They have the ability to flower year round. These plants with their delicate petals (typically purple) brighten up any room. The heart shaped leaves are favorites for grandmothers. These plants need 10-14 hours of sunlight and the rest of time in darkness. I think they are best grown under plant lights. The soil must be moist and not wet. Violets were discovered in Tanzania (Africa) by a German officer named Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Ilaire. It was by chance that he came upon these plants. Their popularity across Europe was due to him sending them to his father. His father was a botanist and the rest is history. A nice story...

Today many books can be found for any one of these cultivated plants. I would suggest reading a book on the specific houseplant you want to cultivate. You could also join a Horticulture Society in your city. I usually consult

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success that someone will ask me, 'What's the secret of it?' I shall say simply,'I get up when I fall down.'" -Paul Harvey

When I first read this quote, I immediately thought , "Pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again." I feel like life has been this way for some time. It is not only for me, but as life partners--Rick and I are survivors. We are hard workers. I want to tell you- Do not give up at any time. Rick always reminds me, "This too shall pass." And believe me I have used those words until I am exhausted. The quote by Mr Harvey is "I hope or I get..." I can honestly say although uncomfortable at times it has been a honor, pleasure and love to say, "...we hope and we get up." When you are going through times, whether bad or good it always helps when you have the unconditional love of someone who believes in you. I am grateful and You'll Never Know how much I love you.... HB Ricky

After the discovery of Peru, the Spaniards penetrated further into the interior of the country. They found land covered with a cultivated plant whose use was not understood. It resembled the blackhorn bush. It had white flowers. The Spaniards first laughed about the lands filled with this shrub but soon were captivated about the plant miraculous and magical powers.

It was protected by the princes of the land. It was used in rituals and religious rites.It was called Erythroxylon coca.

In 1793 it was recommended to sailors.

By 1891, Dr. Brainerd said this, "Within a few months..the character of this 'drug' habitue is changed and he becomes unfitted for business."

In 1898 , Dr. C.C. Stockard's patients exhibited strange paranoia after using this drug.

In 1897, physician J.W. Springthorpe said, "...every part of the body seems to cry out for a new syringe self injected is absolutely sure to produce the fascinating desire for a second."

Also in 1898, Dr. Crothers said something profound, "This drug is probably the most agreeable of all narcotics, therefore the most dangerous and alluring."

Vin Mariani, the elixir of this drug was touted by great admirers. Among them were Thomas Edison, Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame) Emile Zola, HG Wells, and Robert Louis Stevenson. Billie Holiday died from her constant use. Many succumbed to it.

Perhaps two of the best known doctor names were addicts- William Halsted and Sigmund Freud.

The drug is called COCAINE.

Baron Ernst von Bibra translated text, "Plant Intoxicants" has what I think is the best historical aspect of this plant. His book was a pioneering study of psychoactive plants. Not many pages are devoted to coca. In Markel's Anatomy of Addiction, cocaine is beautifully portrayed as a miracle drug. Freud, an avid cocaine addict argued that the drug was not addictive itself; he stated that the person who took it to excess suffered from a personality that put him at risk. He is talking about the addictive personality.

In my clinical years in practice, cocaine is still a problem not exceeding today's crystal meth. Those I meet who tell the truth have said they enjoy taking risks. Some live on the edge. Some have impulsive thoughts and behaviors. Can you recognize an addict? I didn't say a cocaine addict, but a individual with an addictive personality. I can!

Today we know that more than 50% of those diagnosed with a substance addiction also have coexisting mental disorders.These disorders can be anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood disorders and even attention deficit disorder. Do not be quick to judge an individual based on his addiction. You might not know the other half of the addiction -the mental issue.

Do you have an addiction? An addiction to technology can be a problem. Never shutting off your iPhone, or Blackberry can be an addiction. Those who thrive on family or relationship drama also have an addiction!

What is your addiction?

Until tomorrow...

Monday, August 22, 2011


"When you need to tell the truth, find the courage to open your heart, as well as your mouth."

Absolutely love this quote. You always need to tell the truth. The truth could go as far back as when you were young. When my own father was not doing well health-wise I wanted to tell him certain facts and truths. It was an open communication line. I wish I hadn't waited so long to tell him, but the main point is that I finally did. The real question is, "Do you lie? Are you honest?" The older I get, the less I can tolerate dishonesty. I despise dishonestly. I would rather hear the truth no matter how painful, than a lie which will only be uncovered at some other point.

I am always asked which is the best fruit berry to ingest. I am continually learning. I read ferociously . We once thought it was blueberries, but recently we found out that blackberries (also known as mulberries) have even greater antioxidant value. The total antioxidant capacity, measured as Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is very important in choosing which berry to consume. The normal range for ORAC is 13.9 - 45.9 mmoles TE/gram. Blueberries can have a level as high as 50 mmoles TE/g versus strawberries which average only 17.4 mmoles TE/gram. The reason for the antioxidant potential depends on the several phytonutrients contained in these fruits and vegetables. Some of these flavinoids are flavones, isoflavones, anthocyanins and catechins. The deeper purple fruits have higher levels of anthocyanins.

Your mother once told you to drink a glass of orange juice for the amount of Vitamin C it contained. This is old in 2011! The fruit Camu camu from a shrub which grows wild in the Amazon River Basin has the highest content of Vitamin C. It is about 1000-3000mg/100g. In comparison to other fruits, Camu camu is outstanding in terms of its antioxidant capacity. Camu camu wins over blueberries, apples and oranges in the fight against free radicals like peroxyl and peroxynitrite.

I would encourage you and your loved ones to take camu. I love as a source. The American Botanical Council also recommends this site. I would prefer to obtain Wildcrafted Royal Camu (TM) (Camu Camu)

In addition to boosting immune function, Vitamin C was recently studied at Lund University. In June 2011, researchers stated that treatment with Vitamin C can dissolve the toxic protein aggregates that build up in the brain in Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study stated that the lumps of the so called amyloid plaques which consist of misfolded protein aggregates can be dissolved.

The notion that Vitamin C has a positive effect on AD remains to this day to be controversial. More studies need to be done, but I would not stop taking it at ALL !

Until tomorrow...


"Many situations can be clarified by the passing of time." Theodore Isaac Rubin

This quote can be combined with the song , "Time Heals Everything" by Jerry Herman's Mack and Mabel. In truth, time does heal everything. It heals the loss of a loved one; it heals pain. The open line of communication is very important in any relationship. If there is some sort of disagreement between two people, it can be solved if both parties meet. However, the perception of the situation is different for each individual. This is why it is important to discuss problems. Do not let resentment build up. Sometimes the resentment can be from years ago, but it just comes up as the individual gets older. When the meeting does not resolve the issue it can be tough for both parties. Perhaps there should be a separation or parting of the waves. This could be the hardest of decisions to make, but for self preservation or sanity, sometimes it must be done. I pray and meditate on these situations. It is one day at a time. This is when I recite the serenity prayer over and over again, until the pain of the separation heals my soul.

At the International Herbal Symposium , I was introduced to the Doctrine of Signature of a Plant. As a plant lover and herbalist I feel the energy of plants and I know intuitively which herbs will work for which individuals. I cannot teach you how to read a plant. I do not mean to read about it in a book, but look into the plant. I have found that the most productive way of finding new plant remedies is to truly get to know the plant. For plants that I use a lot I start by researching the historical aspects. This puts my mind in a different place. It allows me to be creative.

Have you ever loved a subject so much that you feel energized? This is how I feel about plants and nature in general. I felt energized yesterday when my friend, Todd and I peeked in on our bees .

How some herbs get their names is quite unusual. An example is the herb Angelica (Angelica archangelica, Angelica atropurpurea). Angelica has been used a food and medicine for centuries. If you are a historian or know someone who is, the herb, angelica is usually associated with the bubonic plague. Some herbalists recount the story that a monk had a dream in which the arch angel St Michael appeared. Her told the monk what herb to use during the plague decimating Europe. Today modern studies have revealed that angelica is an immune booster as well as an anti bacterial, viral and fungal agent. Since this herb is also associated with Mary the Virgin, many herbalists use this herb for gynecological problems. What troubles me is that I do not see it in Duke's Medicinal Plants of the Bible.

I love how some herbalists describe angelica as a flower. They discuss her poise, her stance and her fragrance. You get the feeling that she--Angelica is an actual human being. She is alive in the plant world. Angelica does remind me of the fragrant Convallaria - Lily of the Valley. I do use it to reconnect the patient with their spiritual side. Sometimes the spiritual side of a patient has been lost due to illness, death of a family member, or loss of a job. I think everyone should have angelica in their home.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, August 21, 2011


"GOD is subtle, but he is not malicious." - Albert Einstein

Do you believe in GOD? My understanding of GOD was shaped by my Catholic upbringing and the understanding of those around me. As I got older,my "GOD concept" began to boggle my mind. I felt victimized---even abandoned by GOD because I was gay. I have grown up (yet I still have that little hobby boy within me). My understanding of a Power greater than myself is easier to comprehend. When I first entered a 12 step program more than seventeen years ago, I was afraid of those three little letters - G.O.D. I didn't want to go back to Sunday morning mass, nor Wednesday catholic classes with Sister Margaret. I feel so much better now that I have turned my will and life over to the care of GOD - Good Orderly Direction. I do not have to feel pressured these days. I can only do to the best of my ability...

I repeat this every night before bedtime...

The energy you give me, I turn into the actions of an honorable healing life. You will never have a cause to feel ashamed of being part of my life. May your spirit travel always in peace, love, and serenity.

I love to read and I read constantly. Right now I am between three books, Anatomy of an Addiction, Weeds, and Grasses: An identification Guide. Actually I am also fitting in a biography of Kay Thompson too.

Grasses cover almost one third of the area of the earth. They cover approximately one half the area of the United States. Only the Daisy and Orchid families are greater in number than the Grass family. Grasses survive at unbelievable climate changes- cold and warm. The fruit of the grasses is consumed by us--the grains. The following grains come from plants in the Grass family- Barley, Rye, Oats ,Wheat, Corn, and Millet. The first four grains are the major gluten grains. It is abbreviated - B-R-O-W. We as humans do not digest the leafy parts of the grass. That is for the animals like the cows and bison. Since most of America consumes sugar, we are eating another member of the grass family- The Sugarcane Plant.

In Fire Island and the Far East, another grass, bamboo, is plentiful. As far as I know, the bamboo on Fire Island is not used as food or a construction material as it is in the Far East.

What I love about grasses is their ability to withstand stresses. Only if we humans could withstand stress. The reason I enjoyed Nampa, Idaho so much was the grasses growing in more or less uninterrupted stretches as in the meadows, pastures, and the cultivated fields. It was a sight to be seen. I miss that living on the East Coast and especially in the metropolitan city of New York. Although there are not large stretches of grass in Fire Island, there is enough to give me that kind of feeling.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, August 19, 2011


"When you think about others ,think love; when you think about yourself, think love."

Instead of 'Think Pink' from Funny Face (starring Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire and Kay Thompson) --'Think Love' from this blog,

Have you ever been in a funk? You just feel blah blah blah! This is when I usually meditate and pray more than usual. Or I go to a twelve step meeting . I have a lot to be grateful for all the time. When I am confronted with a patient who just recently died, I remember that individual in my daily prayers. I also pray for those whose perception is narrowed by 'horse blinders' as if they are racing for their life. I pray for those who have lied in the past. What I am saying is that I pray for all, even if he/she/group has harmed me or someone else in any way.

I remember all with love even if I may not see him/her any longer. Recently I watched Stella Dallas with Barbara Stanwyck on the Turner Classics Movie channel. She cried as she watched the wedding from outside the gate . I tear up as that scene approaches. I do some role reversal. Yet with all her tears she still had that small four letter word - L O V E.


There are other cardiac risk other than cholesterol. Some of these risk factors are homocysteine, cardiac CRP, lipoprotein and fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a plasma protein that plays a key role in the normal blood clotting cascade. In order words, you want your blood to be thin as wine or water, and not as thick as ketchup. If the fibrinogen level is greater than 400, there is a problem with the thickness of your blood. I aim to have fibrinogen levels at 250.

You need to thin your blood. Many individuals take aspirin, plavix, pradaxa and coumadin as prescribed therapies. There are other vita nutrients that can thin the blood. These are omega 3 fish oils and vitamin E. The herbs that can do this action are ginkgo, garlic, and green tea. There is even a fermented soy food called NATTO, which contains an enzyme called nattokinase. Natto is a fibrinolytic protease enzyme. It breaks clots - thus it is called fibrinolytic.

Natto can enhance your cardiac health thus decreasing your risk for a stroke or heart attack. Natto is excellent for micro circulation of the entire body. You can eat natto, this fermented soy or take it as a supplement. Cardiovascular disease is all about the bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation causing free radical damage to arteries. Natto decreases free radical damage and LDL oxidation.

If you are concerned about healthy blood flow you should take natto. I do! I take 100 mg once or twice a day. I actually alternate 100 mg with 200 mg. Do not rush to buy natto if you are taking any conventional prescription that is used for blood thinning. There can be an interaction and it might result in internal bleeding. Studies have been done on natto as early as 1988 published in the Journal of Fibrinolysis and Thrombolysis.

For a healthy heart nothing will replace a healthy dietary and exercise lifestyle. To support arterial health your physician should address the protein, fibrin levels, oxidized LDL, cholesterol and calcium within arteries. I feel the cardiologists are focusing too much on LDL (bad) and not enough emphasis is placed on high triglycerides and a low HDL (good) cholesterol.

The Journal of Medicine in 1988 stated that statin drugs (drugs that lower cholesterol by blocking the co- reductase enzyme that forms cholesterol) have no effect on the risk factor, lipo@ (lipoprotein a)

I have a solution: Take Cardio L Forte. This is a supplement I have formulated to decrease cholesterol levels. It uses red rice yeast (a plant, Monascus purpureus, plant sterol, policosinol and guggulipids). This is one of the many products I started to develop when I was with the late Robert Atkins, MD.

I am proud of Cardio L Forte and its fantastic results. Call LONGEVITY AT 212 688 5536 OR

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Our spiritual task is to become less rigid in our attachments and more accepting of the flow of life."

I have tried to become less rigid and perfect in my daily life. It is a difficult task for anyone especially for one, like me, who used to try to be perfect. I am NOT perfect. I know that today. I am more accepting of the general flow of life.

Life has its twists and turns as sometimes we each must learn. Life is nothing but a ball of yarn. I used to cut the threads of my needlepoint and instead of putting them in the garbage, put them in a large old glass medicine jar. As the thread piled up in different colors, I realized this is what life is all about. It is confusing, yet adventurous. It is a puzzle. We must each try to put the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle together. I am ready to accept anything at this point in my life. It could be a variety of events and circumstances. Life is out of my control. I do not control life. There is truth and there is someone's perception of the truth. I now know the truth. I have been as truthful as I could be to the best of my ability in my 17 years of sobriety. I am not here to change life. I will now flow with life. If my Higher Power wants that, then it shall be.

I have been thinking of a hobby that can be adventurous, meditative, science orientated and even done outdoors. It was difficult for me until I thought of the telescope that sits on the porch in Cherry grove, Fire Island. It is stargazing or constellation finding. In Fire Island compared to New York City, I can look up into the sky and see a multitude of stars. Remember when you were a child--were you fascinated by the spectacular performance every night. It was especially visible in the summer months. Try looking up the sky tonight instead of turning on any one of the reality TV shows, American Idol or Iron Chef. (You can turn on Glee, though.)

Stargazing does not even require telescope if you do not want to spend the money. Every night can be a thrill. You must remember because of the Earth's rotation , you can see different things from the same position on different nights. That is unique in itself. Did you study astronomy in high school or college ? I know my 6th grade Earth Science course covered some astronomy. Remember Copernicus and Galileo? Do you remember how many constellations there are? I didn't so I had to look it up. There are 88 constellations and millions of stars.

Have you ever seen a falling star and made a wish? Have you ever seen a comet? What made me think to even write about stargazing was while I was reading Anatomy of an Addiction last night. This book discusses the cocaine addiction of two leading physicians-Sigmund Freud and William Halstead. In the book, Freud discussed that Mark Twain was born and died on the appearance of Haley's Comet. I do not know if I will be around at the next return of the Haley's comet in 2061. I could be on this Earth at age 101, but I sincerely doubt it. I actually hope that I am not here. I know my G.O.D. chosen profession will end, as the angels need some care since the angels have cared for so many. The Haley's comet apparition happens every 75 to 76 years. The last sighting was in 1986. I was in my medical residency program at that point with my mind on medicine, not comets. Too bad-- I would have loved to witness this comet.

Tonight you cannot see the stars due to the clouds. You can see the lightening and hear the thunder. I used to say that was G.O.D. bowling with the angels. The thunder was the strike or spare. The lightening was the bowling ball hitting the head pin. What fun that must be!

Obtain good binoculars or telescope. Get an astronomy book and star chart. Start to name the constellations. About 6-7 years ago, Gaga wanted Rick and I to buy something as a gift from her to us. It was so sweet. We bought a Telstar Telescope. It is on the porch in Fire Island to view the stars. She was one of those shining stars in Rick's life. She is missed. I have been telling a patient of mine who teaches astronomy that I want to audit her class. I will be doing that in September if she is going to teach. I want to be in a classroom again...

Until tomorrow...
Photograph 1: (top) Haley's comet

Photograph 2: Constellation Chart

Photograph 3: Big and Little Dipper (The brightest star in the Big Dipper is the North Star)

Photograph 4: Orion's Belt (A constellation)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


"A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles."

- Washington Irving

This is one of many quotes that inspired me to be the doctor I always wanted to be. I cannot exactly pinpoint when I stated in my mind that this is one reason I became a doctor. In every physician's life I know there must be a moment of clarity as to why he/she becomes a physician. For me, it was during my third year clerkship at Kingswinford Hospital in Kingswinford, England during my rotation in Pediatrics. Jeremy was an 11 year old boy with acute leukemia. This was in 1984. He was being raised by his grandparents. His grandmother had died only 6 months prior and now he was being raised solely by his elderly grandfather. He had failed his rescue chemotherapy. At that time there were no bone marrow transplants. Jeremy was getting worse by the day. I realized at that time that true healing means helping the whole family.

His grandfather could no longer watch his only grandchild die. Since Jeremy was having high fevers, his grandfather and I cleaned his face with a damp cloth. His grandfather bent down and kissed Jeremy's forehead to say goodbye. His grandfather in his unrecognizable Black Country diction said, "It's nice to meet a doctor who cares and understands." It wasn't until he uttered those words that I even felt I had any effect on this old man. Jeremy squeezed his grandpa's hand as he left. I grabbed Jeremy's hand. He asked if I could stay the night. I told him I would finish my ward rounds and then sit with him through the night.

Jeremy and his grandfather helped me discover a little more of myself. At about 3 am his grasp went limp. I knew he had died. I couldn't bring myself to let his hand go. I wept for more than 15 minutes, before I called the matron nurse. As in this case, there is not always a cure or an answer. Why him? I found out that day that this is the doctor I wanted to be. There may not be an answer in every case, but there is always time to be a compassionate healer. I try to the best of my ability to be a compassionate healer every single day. That is my mantra!

Are doctors as compassionate as they could be? Does the ever changing quality of health care in this country have an effect on health care professionals? Believe me it does! There are many statistics that scientists cite related to how the United States lags behind other developed countries in quality of care. The Commonwealth Study analyzing 19 countries, stated that the United States had the highest number of deaths that could have been prevented using existing health care procedures. This is not a statistic that I want to read, nor be proud of. I used to think that we live in the greatest country in the world with the best health care. Today, as I mature in this country and its health care reform, I do NOT know if I could make such statements any longer.

How does the richest country in the world rank so low? What is happening? Do you think you can compare health care of a country to a state within the United States? Why can't it be done? Well it can be done. This can be done if a country has about the same population as a state. An example is to compare Sweden with a population of 9,074,055 (9 million) to the state of North Carolina with a population of 9,535,483 (9 million).

Studies have demonstrated that the United States can learn a lot from the quality of health care of other countries. The question is will the US begin to learn? Or will the US be arrogant (as some other countries think we are)? I do NOT think we should focus on what separates the United States from other countries, but instead what we can learn from these disparities.

I feel that studies should be done comparing quality of health care between cities within the United States. While in Idaho two weeks ago, I was thinking what is the quality of emergency care in Boise compared to Ithaca, New York? or to New York City? Is it fair to compare a small city like Boise to a large metropolitan city like New York City? Why do Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia have such a high rate of mortality amendable to health care when compared to the Northwestern States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho? Maybe these are the questions we as a country should be answering.

As a country we need to address the greatest challenge of our lifetime---our own health care reform. Although you might feel you cannot do anything to change beliefs/ideals, this is not correct. You can call your congressperson, or even the governor. You can be a participant rather than a bystander.

Get involved!

Until tomorrow...

Needle point of a fighting King Fish. Be the King Fish in your life!

Monday, August 15, 2011


"Believe you can and you are halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Believing in yourself and thinking of doing a task is 50% of the work. The other 50% is doing the work. Just believing in yourself and having self esteem can do wonders. Do you have a low self esteem? We all have at one point in our lives! What was happening at that time in your life? How much stress where you under? What was your relationship status at that time? Were you happy? Think of a goal you want to complete. Believe that you can accomplish that goal. Then start the goal to finish what you thought of. Good luck !

Most herbalists discuss remedies for the under active thyroid, but recently I heard a lecture on Hyperthyroid Botanicals (over active). I was keen on listening to this lecture as I have many patients with thyroid issues. The fatigue, low body temperature, weight gain, depression, heat or cold intolerance (usually cold), and hair loss are symptoms of a thyroid which is under active (an under active thyroid has thyroid stimulating hormone levels greater than 4.0)

With an overactive thyroid, the most important clinical aspect is to control the cardiovascular signs and symptoms such as an overactive heart rate (pulse rate) and an elevated blood pressure. Unfortunately not many herbalists deal with hyperthyroid conditions. I get many patients who have been told by other doctors dealing with their overactive thyroid, "You have two options- radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid or surgical remove the thyroid, thus you will be on medications for the rest of your life."

Although these are two conventional methods still used today, the use of some natural herbs in high doses can reverse and/or cool down the hyperactive thyroid.

I have seen patients respond within a few months, some within a year and rarely beyond two years unless the presenting hyperthyroidism is very severe. Harvey W. Felter, ecletic physician, wrote this about bugleweed, "...used for vascular excitement with rapid, tumultuous action of the heart, but lacking power." I love to read old uses of herbs. I especially enjoy Culpepper and Sauer.

Lycopus virginicus (Bugleweed) can be used for both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. It has been shown to reduce thyroid levels in hyperthyroid animals. The dose is high - about 150 drops of a 1:3 extract. The aerial parts of the plant are used. Bugleweed is specific for the over-active thyroid where the symptoms include tightness of breath, shaking and palpitations. For the wild crafter it should be collected just before the buds open. It is a great nervine and I have used it with valerian. I also have used this herb with other cardio tonic herbs for slowing down the heart rate.

Another herb, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) helps in decreasing anxiety and calming an overactive thyroid. I use both lemon balm and bugleweed together. In animal studies, lemon balm has been shown to reduce or normalize the TSH levels. It is given at 45 drops of a 1:3 extract. I love the plant family that lemon balm belongs to --Lamiaceae . This is the same family for the all the mint plants. There is no history for use of lemon balm in thyroid diseases, but I have seen other herbalists use it, and I have also used it with good success. Other than its thyroid use, lemon balm is antiviral especially herpes simplex. There has been new exciting studies for its use in Alzheimer's Disease. Honestly, I have only heard about these studies, I must do more reading on its use in AD.

Blue flag (Iris versicolor) This is a lymphatic herb which is not written about as frequently as other herbs in its thyroid function. It is a potent detoxifier. It is very helpful for goiters and nodules. The amount used is also high dose 45 drops of a 1:6 extract. I can always count on Mathew Wood, The Earthwise Herbal for answers. Both the Old World and New World Iris were used by the Europeans and Indians, respectively as purgatives. The taste is a pungent bitter. There is some discussion on its use for an enlarged thyroid gland.

I always look to see if any the herbs above are mentioned in Duke's Medicinal Plants of the Bible. Bugleweed, Lemon Balm and Blue Flag were NOT discussed in the Duke book. However, the Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus ) was mentioned. According to Duke, the yellow flag has been equated with the Lily of Hosea by some authorities.

"He shall grow as the lily, and cast forth his roots of Lebanon." - Hosea 14:5 (KJV)

If you have a thyroid problem I would seek other alternatives such as herbs, natural thyroids, acupuncture, yoga, energy medicine and treatment of anger/resentment issues. I haven't met a individual who has thyroid problems who doesn't haven't anger and resentment issues.

Until tomorrow...

The first needle point was given to a dear friend. The second needle point canvas above is nearly complete. I painted it by myself. It is my version of an iris. In my needle point years, this is the third 'iris canvas' I have completed. I do irises as these are one of Rick's favorite flowers. I have always done The Blue Flag. I never have done the Yellow Flag, but when I do my next Iris, I will do the Yellow Flag.

Friday, August 12, 2011


"Power is not about exerting our will over others, it is about BEing in complete truth with yourself."

"You have no power here. Be gone, before someone drops a house on you." A classic line from the Good Witch (Billie Burke) to the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) from the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz. No one has the power to exert will over anyone but himself/herself. Never let anyone but your Higher Power be your Higher Power. At one point in my life, I let someone else other than my twelve step program and sponsor be my higher power. It was at a time when I had low self esteem. I was fearful of being rejected. I couldn't even buy myself anything without feeling guilty. Something had to change. And it did. I changed my life. I started to live in complete truth of my character defects. I wrote resentments; I made amends; I started to live the life I always wanted to live.

Do you think animals have feelings? Do you think that a honeybee has emotions? After reading "Do Bees have feelings?" from Scientific American 8/2/2011 I am convinved that honeybees do have emotion. I first thought of it at the Honey Plant in Nampa Idaho two weeks ago. I carefully watched honeybees entering and leaving their hives in the onion and carrot fields. Some seemed to pause before entering the hive. Those worker females that are foragers coil and uncoil their tapered mouths towards the onion flower. Perhaps they are not only eating but rather enjoying the sun, the onion flower, and 'hanging out'...

In this article, Geraldine Wright from the UK proposed that bees, like dogs, monkeys and some birds, see the glass half empty. This proves nothing-- but we should consider the idea of honeybees having emotion.

If they do have emotions, they might be saying this:

1. Why are you people letting us die and disappear?

2. Can't you stop using pesticides? These chemicals are killing us!

3. Tell migratory beekeepers to do other pollination besides just mono crop pollination.

4. When you take our honey and wax in the processing plants, many of us lose our way to our home. I do not want to fly around looking for my queen mother! Why do I always lose my friends?

5. I am far from mindless, you stupid human being --I am pollinating your fruits/vegetables...

6. Did you ever think we honeybees are very sophisticated?

After choosing the difference between an unpleasant and pleasant taste chemical, and bees being shaken to stimulate an attck of an animal, conclusions were made. The experiments also measured different neurotransmitters for learning (octopamine), agitation /aggression (serotonin) and aversive conditioning (dopamine). After all this, the scientific conclusion was that bees have a persistent state of negative affects that are triggered by agitation, wide changes in neurotranmitter (NT) levels and clear, measurable cognitive biases.

This actually tells me nothing.

Of course bees would be agitated if they are shaken. They are angry and aggressive. That is no suprise. So neurotransmitters are widely changing. Shake a human being for a while in a box and see what happens to her/him!

How do you regard the mind of an insect like a bee, butterfly or praying mantis?

In college biology we are taught that these invertebrates (animals without backbones) are life's second string (compared to vertebrates). We are taught invertebrates are mindless, have nuance behaviors (such as stinging an individual)... just critters--alien at that. This is all nonsense. Take the time to observe flight patterns. Take the time to read 'Honeybee Democracy'. Watch the film Queen of the Sun. Get inspired.

Get real. Take up the cause to save the Honeybee.

Thank you

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, August 11, 2011


"The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein

"Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix

I think that both wisdom and experience are far more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limitless; I continually try to learn, especially in the last 10 years. I went back to school to study integrative and botanical medicine. It has been an unforgettable experience. Invaluable lessons. The greatest aspect of studying botanical medicine was the wild crafting and lectures in the woods/forests. Sir William Osler (MD) stated, "Medicine is not taught in the classroom, but at the bedside." This is true of botanical/herbal medicine. Recognition of the plants in the woods is gratifying. If I do not know the plant, I can always look it up. Last year I started to study beekeeping. I read countless books, and then took a beekeeping course.

Knowledgeable ...yes. Experienced ...No. I had to become a beekeeper, join bee societies, read more books, and visit a bee operation to gain experience. I had to feel comfortable around these G.O.D. given insects. I had to learn to love bees. In the same respect of hugging a tree, I also pray/meditate prior to going to a hive. I have respect for bees in the same vain that I have respect for the ocean and open seas.

Experience is never forgotten! It is written on your heart.

What is Allium cepa? By looking at the photographs (except the first one ) above you still cannot tell. I certainly could not recognize it in the open field in Nampa Idaho. I was looking at the flowers of an onion plant. I wasn't in Idaho to study onion plants, but to study honeybees. From my previous study of botany, I knew that the onion and garlic were in the same genus, Allium. I did not know that both are part of the Lily Family. We know onions are used as food, but did you know that Allium cepa was widely used in medicine? While reading about the Influenza epidemic of 1918 I found it interesting that some families hung onions upside down in their homes to prevent disease. I have heard about hanging garlic upside down for vampires, but nothing about hanging onions until now.

The Romans regarded onions as a symbol of eternity. I then read it in Matthew Wood's book, The Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. I always find it interesting to find a plant/herb in Duke's Medicinal Plants of the Bible.

Onions were widely used during Biblical times, yet only mentioned in the three versions of the bible ( KJV, RSV and NWT) It was mentioned in Numbers 11:5-6 in all 3 versions.

" We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic. But our soul is dried away; there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. "

Like my experience with cabbage, onions have the ability to draw out of a wound. It is great to draw out poisons, mucus and pus. I wonder if it will draw out a bee stick and venom. It is considered a warm remedy. Although most of us cry/tear from its pungent odour it is great for the chest. It can liquefy mucous and stimulate cough reflexes. I wouldn't recommend it as a cough syrup as elderberry and ginger. I always find more written about garlic ( Allium sativum) than onions.

I find the fact that some studies have indicated that organ osulfurs present in onions as well as garlic, broccoli and cauliflower may be effective in preventing cancers of the prostate, liver, colon and gastrointestinal tract. I find this contrary to other studies which indicate that these organo sulfurs can cause cancer. Some of these organosulfur compounds with long names, abbreviated , SAMC( S-allylmercaptocysteine) and DADS( diallyl disulfide- especially found in garlic) have been indicated to increase activity of Phase II enzymes in the gastroiintstinal tract. This increase in enzymes may lead to a decreased risk of certain cancers.
Also onions contain a bioflavinoid, quercetin. This particular bioflavinoid has the potential for inhibiting platelet aggregation. ( Apples also contain quercetin) Onions also rich in Vitamin C, sulphur and mineral salts.

I have read studies from the American Botanical Council and their herbalgram that onions lower blood sugar. There are few reports about the decrease in low density lipoproteins ( LDL) and raising the high density lipoproteins (HDL)

The message is for you to start eating onions...

Until tomorrow...