Monday, August 8, 2011


"There is nothing like a dream to create the future." - Victor Hugo

Do you have a dream of your life path? Do you want to change? I have dreamed my entire life. I dream for a better world for everyone. I dream for peace in the world. I dream that every living thing including plants, insects, and animals have the same chance to live. What is a future without a dream for the future?

What is nitric oxide? Nitric oxide is made by our cells. The problem is that the production of nitric oxide decreases after the age of 40. It is half what it was when you were 20. It was called the "molecule of the YEAR" in 1992. I might even go so far as to say it is the "Molecule of the Decade" like Vitamin D is the "Vitamin of the Decade." In our cells nitric oxide signals the surrounding arterial tissues and cells to relax. Another word for relaxation is dilation. That lowers the blood pressure expands narrow blood vessels. This allows for elimination of dangerous clots and reduced plaque formation.

If you have better circulation you have better living. If you are deficient in nitric oxide you are at increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. So, should YOU take nitric oxide?

The answer is YES. It is as important as oxygen.

Some points about nitric oxide:

-improved circulation all over the body

-more blood flow means better oxygen transfer

- more blood flow means a better sex life (excellent for men with erectile dysfunction)

-important properties for the immune system, thus fighting off infections and good for cancer prevention.

For those individuals who need studies about nitric oxide, there are plenty dating back to the 1980's and 1990's. In 2007 the National Academy published a paper entitled, "Dietary Nitrite Supplementation Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia -Reperfusion Injury"

The question is to find the correct form of nitric oxide. Watch for updates on nitric oxide.

Until tomorrow...

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