"Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success." Harry Fosdick
Did you ever picture yourself as a leader, a winner or the 'best' in what you do? I never did because I thought that would be egotistical, or pompous. During guided imagery exercises I began to picture myself as a leader in the field of integrative medicine. Through this exercise the vision started to change from leader to healer. I began to believe in myself. I began to see how I can possibly change an individual's stinking thinking. I started to describe myself in a positive way. By doing this I began to help more individuals by the power of example. I am far from perfect. I am only human. I do know that my progress in this process of life is better now than in previous days or years. Guided imagery has been a healer unlike all others for me and the individuals I treat. This is not pompous. This is life!
Have you ever heard of E. angustifolia? You probably will answer "NO" until I tell you that the E. stands for Echinacea. More than 60% of all individuals know that Echinacea is used with another herb called Goldenseal for flu/cold symptoms. This herb alone is the prime remedy to help rid the body of microbial infections. I have used it to treat the flu, boils on the skin, and other minor/major infections of the body. It is safe, effective and easy to use. It is great for tonsillitis, bronchitis and laryngitis. It is great for dental or gum infections. I use it as a mouthwash in patients with severe gum infections. I even tell the patient to put a dropperful in their waterpik apparatus and pik away. Not to do any flossing, but waterpiking with thyme and echinacea.
I usually ask an individual with an infection to put 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the root in one cup of water and bring to a boil. I might ask them to consume 2 - 3 cups/day.
Sometimes it is easier to use a tincture. Usually I use 2ml of the tincture 3-4 times a day.
It is a great alternative to antibiotics. This is an herbal antibiotic.
Some individuals will start lifestyle changes in preparation for the cold and flu season. For those who do not want to change their lifestyle, and take a chance to "pay later" for a cold/flu--they will likely be using E. angustifolia with high dose Vitamin C. You might even buy a homeopathic remedy called Oscillococcium when the flu starts. It is very effective. For the cough since you decided to "pay later" and not change your dietary lifestyle- you will be using elderberry or ginger cough syrup.
I encourage proactive and preventative measures instead of waiting to the last minute. This includes good hydration with water, more sleep, less stress and lots of meditation.
Until tomorrow...
Photo Credit: Rick Byrd, - Nampa Idaho
Photo Credit: Rick Byrd, - Nampa Idaho
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