Friday, August 12, 2011


"Power is not about exerting our will over others, it is about BEing in complete truth with yourself."

"You have no power here. Be gone, before someone drops a house on you." A classic line from the Good Witch (Billie Burke) to the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) from the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz. No one has the power to exert will over anyone but himself/herself. Never let anyone but your Higher Power be your Higher Power. At one point in my life, I let someone else other than my twelve step program and sponsor be my higher power. It was at a time when I had low self esteem. I was fearful of being rejected. I couldn't even buy myself anything without feeling guilty. Something had to change. And it did. I changed my life. I started to live in complete truth of my character defects. I wrote resentments; I made amends; I started to live the life I always wanted to live.

Do you think animals have feelings? Do you think that a honeybee has emotions? After reading "Do Bees have feelings?" from Scientific American 8/2/2011 I am convinved that honeybees do have emotion. I first thought of it at the Honey Plant in Nampa Idaho two weeks ago. I carefully watched honeybees entering and leaving their hives in the onion and carrot fields. Some seemed to pause before entering the hive. Those worker females that are foragers coil and uncoil their tapered mouths towards the onion flower. Perhaps they are not only eating but rather enjoying the sun, the onion flower, and 'hanging out'...

In this article, Geraldine Wright from the UK proposed that bees, like dogs, monkeys and some birds, see the glass half empty. This proves nothing-- but we should consider the idea of honeybees having emotion.

If they do have emotions, they might be saying this:

1. Why are you people letting us die and disappear?

2. Can't you stop using pesticides? These chemicals are killing us!

3. Tell migratory beekeepers to do other pollination besides just mono crop pollination.

4. When you take our honey and wax in the processing plants, many of us lose our way to our home. I do not want to fly around looking for my queen mother! Why do I always lose my friends?

5. I am far from mindless, you stupid human being --I am pollinating your fruits/vegetables...

6. Did you ever think we honeybees are very sophisticated?

After choosing the difference between an unpleasant and pleasant taste chemical, and bees being shaken to stimulate an attck of an animal, conclusions were made. The experiments also measured different neurotransmitters for learning (octopamine), agitation /aggression (serotonin) and aversive conditioning (dopamine). After all this, the scientific conclusion was that bees have a persistent state of negative affects that are triggered by agitation, wide changes in neurotranmitter (NT) levels and clear, measurable cognitive biases.

This actually tells me nothing.

Of course bees would be agitated if they are shaken. They are angry and aggressive. That is no suprise. So neurotransmitters are widely changing. Shake a human being for a while in a box and see what happens to her/him!

How do you regard the mind of an insect like a bee, butterfly or praying mantis?

In college biology we are taught that these invertebrates (animals without backbones) are life's second string (compared to vertebrates). We are taught invertebrates are mindless, have nuance behaviors (such as stinging an individual)... just critters--alien at that. This is all nonsense. Take the time to observe flight patterns. Take the time to read 'Honeybee Democracy'. Watch the film Queen of the Sun. Get inspired.

Get real. Take up the cause to save the Honeybee.

Thank you

Until tomorrow...

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